Incentives in Hello.

  • Feb. 11, 2016, 2:36 p.m.
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Today I’ve had a day off work. Even though the weather was beautiful, I didn’t feel in the mood to go for a walk, I wanted to stay inside and be productive. Seeing as I still have no neighbours, my landlady (who lives next door) is away in London for a few days, John was at work and the kids at school, I decided to crank my music up to 11 and tidy the kitchen. I’ve been listening to a lot of Queens of the Stone Age and Kyuss lately, my mission being to try and get John to stop whinging about my Josh obsession. I’m slowly getting there, he already “kind of” likes Kyuss and some early Queens. I really want to see QOTSA at a proper gig. I’ve seen them at a festival, but it’s not the same, too many people and they only play the hits.
I’m going to have to start listening to some new bands, Download in June and there are a few bands playing that I’ve never listened to, but have been recommended to me.
Yeah, anyway. I’ve been particularly lazy, apart from partially tidying the kitchen and changing a strip light, I’ve been playing games and napping. I even sent Bel to the chippy for their tea because I couldn’t be bothered to cook!
I might be going to Spain in a couple of months. Mam and dad have a property out there and they’re going to stay in it at the end of April for six weeks and they’ve invited me and Shellie to go and stay with them for a week. It’s very exciting, but a lot for me to organise yet. I need to see what time I can get off work, as does Shellie. Flights are apparently cheap on Tuesdays and Wednesdays (less than £100!) and I’ll need to renew my passport. I won’t need to pay for accommodation and won’t need a fortune for food and drink. So it’s not going to cost me much either! I also need to figure out what we can do with the kids as John works nights. I hope I can go.
It will also be a good incentive to lose a bit of weight. I’m a terrible yoyo dieter, so this will give me something to work towards. John has bought a fly wheel trainer for his bike, so that will be good for dark evenings, I can just go into the garage, headphones on, and cycle a few miles every night. I’m tempted to use it with the couch to 5k app, John said it would work, a bit of sprinting then slow cycling to get my breath back.

Last updated February 11, 2016

Seacláid February 11, 2016

I so want a chippy tea, but I'm doing so well with my diet that I don't really want to reward myself with unhealthy versions of food.

Babe In Toyland Seacláid ⋅ February 11, 2016

I didn't get a chippy tea, I drank a big glass of water before Bel came back too, so I wouldn't pinch any!

Seacláid Babe In Toyland ⋅ February 11, 2016

More willpower than I would have!! Haha

Canadian Lass February 11, 2016

awww spain sounds lovely

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