Aloha Friday in Talk Story

  • Feb. 19, 2016, 7:39 p.m.
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The wet weather continues here on the southern coast of Oregon… this time accompanied with a fair amount of hail… and of course the weather remains a topic of conversation between locals…

Tonight I’m going over to a neighbor’s house… where several of us are going to play a dice game… sit around and talk story…

If the rain lets up tomorrow… I’ll try and get another hike in… and on Sunday… the Daytona 500 (Nascar) is on t/v… which will find me on the sofa watching it…

I hope that you have a fun… and safe… and dry weekend…

Aloha oe…

TruNorth February 19, 2016


Deleted user February 19, 2016

Last time I played with dice it was a game called euchre. Tons of fun. :-)

ODSago February 20, 2016

Daytona is just down the interstate about an hour or 90 minutes from me. If you lived here and were not going to see the race you'd try not to be driving at all around that area -- such congestion! Once I was caught in it and gave up doing a total no-no. I drove across the grass divider and returned to Orlando!!! Enjoy the race. We are expecting heavy fog in the morning but it will most likely be gone by race time.

dream seeker February 21, 2016

Yikes, travelling with hail going on is scary. I hope you had safe travels.

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