Feeling Good in Musings

  • Feb. 2, 2016, 3:57 a.m.
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Well it looks like I’m finally over the first trimester slump. I had the worst stomach bug of my life and after that mercifully went away I started feeling like myself again. Thank goodness. I’m still more tired than usual and headaches are still popping up here and there, but overall I feel good.

When I was pregnant with Leah, my only real cravings were for sweet things. This time my cravings change day to day. It is so weird and kind of fun. I have even been craving healthy things like avocados and green beans and apples. So many this baby will be a better eater than Leah hehe.

I have another appointment on Wednesday. It is with a different midwife. I plan on asking her a sort of second opinion on what the other midwife said. Maybe just ask how likely it is that all those things will happen again. I know I’m at a higher risk but my mother in law had gestational diabetes with her first and not her other two. My mom had high blood pressure with me but not my brother. So I know every pregnancy is different.

Leah is at such a cute age right now. She is a little chatter box and you never know what she’s going to say. She’s really starting to put things together and shocks me with how smart she is and how much she is really paying attention even when I think she’s not.

I know it could still be coming, but so far age 2 isn’t terrible at all. She’s high energy and she does have to sit in time out a time or two a day, but she hardly ever throws fits or does things she’s knows she shouldn’t. Age 1 was so much harder because she just couldn’t communicate well enough to express herself and plus she was just a lot more clingy and needy then. She also didn’t understand discipline at all either so that made things difficult.

I’m just enjoying her to the max right now. I love seeing her little personality emerging. She’s so outgoing and engaging. She makes strangers laugh no matter where we go. I’m getting a little emotional about these being our last few months just the two of us (or three of us with daddy). I hate the thought that she will feel like she’s being put aside when the new baby comes. She loves helping out so hopefully I can get her involved in caring for her brother or sister.

After talking about feeling better I now feel like I may be coming down with a cold. Bleh. I hate winter.

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