Planet Earth is blue and there's nothing I can do in Hello.

  • Jan. 11, 2016, 5:30 a.m.
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Sad news about David Bowie. John and I were just watching The Man Who Fell To Earth on Saturday night and I was telling John about how I’ve recently REALLY starting to like Bowie. I’ve always liked him, his songs always made me have goosebumps, his collaborations with Lou Reed resulted in some of my favourite ever songs. But recently something had just clicked and my love for him got bigger. Urgh, I sound like such a sycophant, I don’t mean to. First Lemmy, now Bowie. Damn.

Moving on. The decluttering is going well. I had grand plans of doing all my decluttering at once, but I realised it’s going to be so much that I was setting myself up for a fall. So I’m doing one small thing a day. My dressing table, my handbag. Not buying joss sticks when I have Yankee Candles sat doing nothing. Only taking out enough money for the thing I need, so I don’t spend it on things I don’t. Eating the food out of the fridge instead of going out and buying something else that I fancy instead. Only having one knitting project on the go at once (this sounds minor, but when I have more than one on the go, I find myself getting overwhelmed and bored by all my half finished projects and starting a new one.)
The eating is going ok. I’m eating a lot more veg than I was before. Cooking food from scratch, even when I’ve been at work all day. I’m still trying to find inspiration, I want to make vegetables “the main event” on my plate, rather than having them as a side, as I’ve got used to. I don’t want to eat “meat substitutes” as they’re also full of additives I don’t want. I made cauliflower rice with spiced chick peas the other night. The chick peas were a Jamie Oliver packet, but had very few additives in and were tasty. I have to say, my tummy has been very grateful for these changes! I’m getting minimal pain, I’m not craving bread like I thought I would, and I’ve lost 6lb since the start of the year. Win win!
I am also making a conscious effort to drink more water. If I’m in the kitchen standing idle, I’ll get a quick cup. I have been filling a pint glass at work and constantly sipping that when I’m at the till. I get through about two pints a day, which doesn’t sound like much, but it’s two pints more than I was drinking before, plus I don’t crave a biscuit mid afternoon any more. :)
I’ve started saving up for a Download ticket. I can’t not go, especially as Sabbath are playing and they’re saying it will be their last. No, can’t miss it. I’ve got thirty pounds saved so far, a fiver for every pound I’ve lost.
I’ve also got to fork out to get my tattoo coloured. It’s an unnecessary expense, but I booked it months ago. That’s next week, I’m excited!

I can’t remember if I said I’d put in for my driving test? I passed my theory back in November, my practical is on April 15th. I am nowhere near ready yet, I’ve only had 15.5 hours tuition, but my instructor insisted, saying it will give me an incentive to learn quicker and give me something to work towards. I still have some holidays from work to take, I’m going to take it off together and use it to get in some intensive lessons. I’m determined to pass it first time!

Lucretia January 11, 2016

I don't know if you're into Indian food, but if you are it's a very good cuisine for making vegetables sing. It's also GF (unless you add naan bread).

Good luck with the driving, I'm glad it's going well for you.

Babe In Toyland Lucretia ⋅ January 11, 2016

Yes, John makes a mean curry. A bit of fragrance is fine, just not loads of fat and spices.

Babe In Toyland Lucretia ⋅ January 11, 2016

Oh, and I can't eat naan. :( I love it so much, but if I do, I inflate like a balloon. Very sad!

Lucretia Babe In Toyland ⋅ January 11, 2016

Me too. I can't handle regular flour at all. Have you tried spelt flour, it's much friendlier on the gut than regular flour? It's still got gluten in it but not much, really tasty too. If you feel like giving it a go try these:

Seacláid January 11, 2016

What about eggs as a protein substitute? Eggs are amazing, two medium ones is enough protein for one meal to stave off hunger and cravings until the next mealtime.

Babe In Toyland Seacláid ⋅ January 11, 2016

I usually have a couple of eggs for my breakfast. When I was doing the Dukan diet, you were only allowed two eggs a day, and I've kind of stuck to that rule, lol! It's the only by of protein you can quantify without a set of scales!

Seacláid Babe In Toyland ⋅ January 11, 2016

Two eggs a day is fine, they contain quite a bit of dietary cholesterol. It's good to mix up your sources of protein (and some can be surprising) but I'm not a dietitian (though I would stear clear of overusing coconut oil).

Babe In Toyland Seacláid ⋅ January 11, 2016

I use coconut oil mostly in my hair! Although I did use some the other day to make my cauliflower rice.

Seacláid Babe In Toyland ⋅ January 11, 2016

I use about a teaspoon when cooking with it. Just enough to stop it sticking to the pan. Too much and the food becomes too oily. I've never tried it in my hair, though it's not really dry (I've been using super hydrating conditioners and letting my hair dry naturally). Does it work for scalps? My mum has very dry skin and has been prescribed the coal tar shampoo but I think she still wants something that isn't going to irritate and will moisturise her hair and scalp. She has reallly short fine hair (which unlike mine has bounciness).

Babe In Toyland Seacláid ⋅ January 11, 2016

I only have really short hair, so I can't tell if it's doing much! I think it's quite gentle on the scalp, so unless she's allergic to coconut, it might offer some relief.

Bomb Shell January 11, 2016

Lady at work shouted out about 6:30am "Does anyone like David Bowie?" me: "Yeah I do!" "He's died." "WHAT?!" Such a shock :o(

Small bits of decluttering is the best way to do it, then it feels like lots of little victories :o)

Cauliflower rice with spiced chickpeas sounds nice! You say it was a Jamie Oliver packet; is that just the flavouring or do the chickpeas come in the pack too? As Erika says, Indian is GREAT for veggie food, I love paneer (cheese), and anything saag (spinach). Not sure if your tummy will like it though, paneer is quite fatty

Babe In Toyland Bomb Shell ⋅ January 11, 2016

The chickpeas come in the packet as well. Our Sainsburys does three different packs, a cous cous and a spelt. I've had two meals out of one packet so far.

Babe In Toyland Bomb Shell ⋅ January 11, 2016

I've never had paneer before, I don't think anywhere round here sells it!

Bomb Shell Babe In Toyland ⋅ January 11, 2016

To be honest I've only ever had it in takeaways and Indian restaurants haha. The recipe I linked to shows you how to make your own by separating the curds and whey :op

Perpetually Plump January 14, 2016

I'm currently listening to a book called "The magical art of tidying" or some nonsense. It's about decluttering technique and maintaining. The method is known as konmari. And apparently people swear by it. She basically says you're setting yourself up for failure if you don't do an entire category all in one go. Like go get every shirt you own. Pile them up. Pick up each one. And if it doesn't "spark joy", let it go. It's interesting, so far, but I haven't done any implementation.

Perpetually Plump January 14, 2016

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up:The Japanese art of decluttering and organizing by Marie Kondo

That's the actual name of it.

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