3,000 users! in Site Updates

  • Dec. 11, 2013, 7:27 a.m.
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  • Public

Hey, these milestones need to be pointed out. :)

Leanne 🌈 December 11, 2013

Awesome sauce.....congrats!

Life Is For Living December 11, 2013


Nash December 11, 2013

Yeah, but Bruce has 6700 logged in right now!


Wicked Nights Nash ⋅ December 11, 2013

Yeah those are all the spam accounts. =)

Etoile Filante December 11, 2013

Yaaayyyy!!! xXx

Teflon Superhero December 11, 2013


Deleted user December 11, 2013

congrats! great work! love coming here :)

hoops December 11, 2013

Yes they do. Congrats! They also serve as a good reminder to us to remember to thank you for doing this, for maintaining this place and for giving us a place to write that doesn't crash, eat our entries and notes and doesn't look like a 14 year old girl's MySpace page. So not only congratulations, but thank you and well done!

simple mind hoops ⋅ December 11, 2013

And thank you!

hoops December 11, 2013

Oh yeah. But if you could do something about the faint smell of old cheese, that would be great.

simple mind hoops ⋅ December 11, 2013

But it's a fine cheese aged by design, meant to compliment the hidden wine feature.

Ulfric Stormcloak December 11, 2013


You're running a fine site here. I'm glad I moved over.

simple mind Ulfric Stormcloak ⋅ December 11, 2013


QueSeraSera December 11, 2013

Woot! Congrats and welcome everyone. I am really liking this website. Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ophidia December 11, 2013

Congrats! Thank you for all your hard work!

M December 11, 2013

That's awesome.

.Java.Junkie. December 11, 2013


Jaebella December 11, 2013


Dictynna December 11, 2013

YAY for 3k!! (that rhymes. but this doesn't!)

BSC12MD December 12, 2013

This is awesome site and I enjoyed it very much,just do me a favor don't sell it to Google for $1billion.

Deleted user December 12, 2013

Congrats for this accomplishment. Keep up the availability of this site and there will be a lot more people join here soon.

MrsJess December 12, 2013


Deleted user December 12, 2013

hi, I seem to be having trouble adding people as bookmarks and friends. I've tried on my phone, on a laptop (both Chrome and Firefox) and I'm not having any luck. It seems like maybe the link is broken?

simple mind Deleted user ⋅ December 12, 2013

Everything looks fine on my end. I tried out both bookmarks and friends buttons from both the profile page and entry page. Try again and let me know.

MissMeg December 12, 2013

That's awesome! Any idea when you're going to roll out a paid subscription version? I'd be the first to sign up! :)

simple mind MissMeg ⋅ December 12, 2013

This month is pretty crazy but hopefully early next year. :)

Butterfly4Him December 12, 2013

T Y for your comment to me. OH DAH, to me, LOL!!!! :) I actually JUST realized I was writing my entries in the wrong place. beeeeeeeep! :)) Okay, I will try to get organized with this tomorrow. I had a cappuccino with my daughter & a lovely visit last night, at 10:30 p.m. (spontaneous!!) Any way, I could not fall asleep til 4 am. and now I am "fried," LOL. Thank you for your response and SO VERY fast, too!!! wowza. *I love/loved/ OD, but, I fear it is not long for this WWW. I download my OD periodically, so, I'll have my stuff, at least, and myself and a lot of my/our/ friends are coming over here. So far, even though I am sorta lame, electronically, I do like it here. It seems very nice, and you, Mr. Simple Mind, are very on top of things. Yes, I also found the tips & *???? book, or whatever, so I am going to look through it more, too. Thanks again, and bighugz. :*)

Butterfly4Him December 12, 2013

Forgive me, and you may even delete this note, if you wish. But, I got so used to FB, that I wanted to "like" some of your other notes, LOL!!!! Okay, ta ta for now.

Deleted user December 13, 2013

Still having same issue. I'm trying to bookmark and friend hot-lips. I also seem to be having issues with replying to people's notes. I click reply and nothing happens on mobile and laptop.

simple mind Deleted user ⋅ December 13, 2013

Do you have Javascript enabled?

Deleted user simple mind ⋅ December 13, 2013

Aha! I have worked out the issue, it is the lame setup of my work network. The phone is on the work network. It's all working fine on my personal laptop :) sorry to bother you!

ammie December 13, 2013

I will join the party and say thank you for providing such an awesome site that works, and feels up to date and with the times! Keep up the fantastic work!

M December 14, 2013

I guess that means that OD really was a money maker!

Loki December 15, 2013

  • glorious!
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