I've been flooded. in Hello.

  • Dec. 8, 2015, 1:10 p.m.
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  • Public

I know some of you will have seen the news about my home town flooding again. I am currently out of my house and staying with John’s sister after our house was under three feet of water. My grandparents, parents and brother in law were all stuck upstairs in their respective houses for two and a half days after bridges were closed and emergency vehicles couldn’t get to them safely.
My work also got hit, but they’re being ok about me not going in to help with the clear up until I get myself and family sorted.
The water has gone now, we’re just dealing with the tidying and cleaning. Thankfully living in an upstairs flat it was only our garage and downstairs porch that got hit, but obviously flood water, being full of sewage, motor oil, chemicals, means we’ve had to completely clear out the garage. We use it for storage as we don’t have a car, so there is a lot of crap.
Anyway, just letting you know the score, I’ll update properly when I get more time. I’ve posted lots of photos on Facebook if you want to look at those.

Waterfire December 08, 2015

Thank God for the upstairs flat! I hope it all gets sorted quickly and you can go back home.

katie December 08, 2015

That's so horrible! I hope everything gets sorted and cleaned soon.

Lucretia December 09, 2015

It's so awful, everything that's happened. I'm glad you're all safe x

Crystal Apple December 09, 2015

:( Take care of yourselves xx

Deleted user December 11, 2015

Please take care of yourselves x

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