Our Church christmas party in the day

  • Dec. 14, 2015, 2:44 p.m.
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  • Public

we had our christmas party saturday night
everyone was sad and really not in a christmas mood
Today I talked to a friend who was there and she said she felt
it,a sadness covered over us…I think it was the news and
the weather…everyone said it cant be christmas....not now
with everything thats happen in the world…but we tried to
make it work we all put in it what we had left in our hearts
and in the end we ate ,open some gifts and went home all
in 2 hours..they use to be so fun.....well there is next year.......

Last updated December 14, 2015

crystal butterfly December 15, 2015

I was lucky. Our women's Bible study part last night was full of laughter and joy.

The Guardian crystal butterfly ⋅ December 16, 2015

so happy for you ...the church party should be fun and uplift you from every day "stuff" . we will try again next year and I will learn all I can about good clean fun and jokes...this year the party was planned by a 80 year old beautiful heart & soul but she admitted she didnt know what to do...but she told us a story that made our night I will post when I get a chance..Merry christmas.&..Christmas Blessings to you & your family.....

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