5 things I am thankful for in the day

  • Nov. 25, 2015, 1:27 p.m.
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  1. The son of God
  2. The love of Randy
    3.our home our marriage
    4.That Stephen was in my life ,even for a short time
    5.my Brother & his wife…my church family & Pastor

I am close to my brother we talk about the Bible together all the time..he encourages me to look deeper & to look harder..to listen…be still....
he encourages me to believe in my self as reading the Bible
and getting the correct meaning…I love my brother ,yes I have 3 sisters but the last couple years they all have pulled
away into their families…I think its been a year since I heard from Penny....I talk to Patsy every week or so..Carolyn and I text....But Donny and I share a need for a closer relationship with God..
and we talk to each other 2 or 3 times a week …when we talk its always 2 hours or close to that..he’s one of those people that can draw you into what he is saying....I really enjoy his opinion....I am grateful he takes the time to help me and cares about Randy & I........Happy Thanksgiving …be safe .....

Deleted user November 25, 2015

crystal butterfly November 26, 2015

It is a blessing to be able to share the Bible with your brother. Have a great Thanksgiving.

The Guardian crystal butterfly ⋅ November 27, 2015

I so enjoy my brothers phone calls ..thank you have a good Thanksgiving also...stay safe & warm.....

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