It's been a long time. in Earth and Sky

  • Aug. 20, 2016, 6:32 p.m.
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I’m still alive, I promise! My life has been completely turned around and I haven’t had a lot of time for much other than work, the baby, and occasional get-togethers with friends. It’s been a roller-coaster.

Let’s see… I’m back to work full-time. I’m an Office Assistant in a Physical Therapy office at the hospital I work for. I work 9:30-6 Monday-Thursday and 8-4:30 on Fridays. No weekends or holidays, and my parents come up to watch Oliver for the gap between when Tim leaves for work and I get home. They’re here 3x a week for roughly 4 hours or so. It’s free, they get time with the baby, and Tim and I get to start saving for a house.

Oliver is doing exceptionally well. He’s going to be 11 months old on Wednesday and he’s up and walking. He took his first steps at 10 months old and now there is no stopping him. He’s in 12-18 month clothing, size 4 diapers, and eating everything. Still nursing, still co-sleeping, still loving every second with my little boy.

The shop has been on hiatus with the start of my new job an Oliver being so destructive (and let’s be honest, distracting) but I have great ideas for a shop update that WILL be happening before the end of the summer.

What else… Hubby and I are good. We’re working harder at making time for each other. We were very disconnected in the first few months of Oliver’s life because… well… new baby, haha. But we are doing incredibly well and our love for each other is strong and passionate. We’re hoping to start trying for baby #2 after my 30th birthday. So, just about 2 years. :)

That’s all, really! Life is good, my friendships are strong and honest and better than they’ve ever been, and I’m learning to love myself a little more every day.


ManitouWolf August 20, 2016

Wonderful to hear from you and to hear that things are going very well!
I can't believe Oliver is going to be a year old soon! Wow!

lessoff August 20, 2016

your mom is also watching him? is she clean now? I hope so!

I cant believe Oliver is walking. Lydia is like NOPE. and she is almost 13 months.

four leaf clover August 20, 2016

So good to hear from you! Glad things are going well! Maddy is so close to walking, I'm sure it'll be any day now. Crazy stuff :)

*PerfectlyImperfect* August 21, 2016

So glad to hear from you and glad things are going well! Hope you can get back to writing here more often, miss you!

Fire In The Bones August 21, 2016

I'm glad you're writing again!!!!!!! <3

Kitty1985 August 21, 2016

Glad to see you back! Happier to hear you three are well!!

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