• Sept. 14, 2015, 1:22 p.m.
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It tried to rain a bit today. For oregon it was a dismal failure! Even the ‘out-of-staters’ didn’t cover their heads. Yesterday i spent 12 hours alone with my diverticulitis while the wife and daughter went to a party and then Multnomah Falls. I am sorry to say I spent a lot of time on the pity-pot! I was hurting and sick and depressed and FUCKING hungry! No one was there for me! My music didn’t help (Music is my blood! My life!) I really wanted to eat a hundred fresh psilocybin ‘shrooms… have not done that in years!! Anyway the daughter went to school and then came home at 10 because she forgot her cell phone and didn’t know where her classes were. It’s hell being a foreigner and not speaking or reading the language well enough to ask the office for help. BESIDES, as we all know “A TEENAGER WITHOUT A CELL PHONE IS LIKE A POLITICIAN WITHOUT A MOUTH!”

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