Chicken broth and Sprite Madness! in WHAT A TURTLE KEEPS IN IT'S SHELL.

Revised: 09/12/2015 9:58 p.m.

  • Sept. 12, 2015, 3 a.m.
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  • Public

Saturday is almost over, With any luck I’ll die in my sleep. The wife is off to a B-Day party tomorrow. A house full of yummy Thai and Lao food.. I will stay home and suck up chicken broth! OR maybe treat myself to big bowl of Miso soup with NO veggies or seaweed? I couldn’t even nap today because of phantom hunger pangs. I’m whining about this while people are starving to i feel even worse! Fuck it, the wife and daughter are off to work at the Thai restaurant so I’m going to watch Predator one and two. DO NOT tell me it is wrong to root for the predator! i don’t want to hear it! (I don’t don’t want to hear chicken noises either!!)

Last updated September 12, 2015

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