Life this minute in WHAT A TURTLE KEEPS IN IT'S SHELL.

Revised: 09/09/2015 12:33 p.m.

  • Sept. 9, 2015, 3 a.m.
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  • Public

HAH! The teenage daughter is off to school. The wife is off trying to make us go into debt to paint our 92 year old house. I am s l o w l y feeling the freedom of being ‘facebookless’ and loving it! NOW… if only my fukking marijuana card would get here so i can leave this pukking reality for a while! At 72 I KNOW reality sucks more than anyone who is LESS then 72! Actually i need the dope to fight off the demons of PTSD that have lived with me for decades. Even so, I worked steady all those years, managed to make ZERO friends, had 6 kids and… and…I just want to get stoned now that I’m retired and there is no more random drug testing to worry about! Whatever...................

Last updated September 09, 2015

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