The Final Countdown. in Hello.

  • Sept. 8, 2015, 4:16 p.m.
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  • Public

It’s 10 days till Rob leaves home. He’s got everything he needs apart from bowls, kitchen knives and a frying pan. Everything else is sorted.
Last night he came home from work with a load of beer that he’d bought with his tips and put it in the fridge. It’s weird when your kid does that. It’s also weird to think that in a few weeks, he’ll be the same age as John was when we had him!

I started doing Swagbucks yesterday. I’m still finding my way round, the games and the videos don’t work on my Kindle. But I’ve managed to get over 500 swagbucks in two days, just answering surveys. You need 800 and something for a five pound Amazon voucher. I don’t know why I didn’t sign up ages ago!

I have an abcess on my gum that has finally come to a head and subsequently burst. That’s pleasant. Anyone fancy a snog?

I’ve decided that when I shave my head, I’m going to go shampoo free to see how I fare. I’ve read up on it, it looks like my hair could potentially look amazing! I’m a bit self conscious of my hair smelling funny, so I’ve bought some essential oils I can use with coconut oil to make my hair shiny and nice.

New things:
I have my first driving lesson booked for this Sunday. Shiiiiit!
I’ve kind of put my name down to train up to help disabled kids ride horses. I do like horses, I’m secretly hoping that I might get the opportunity to ride one one day. My friend, Catherine, already does it, so she’s going to be taking me.

That’s it.

Last updated September 08, 2015

Bomb Shell September 08, 2015

It works out slightly better value if you save up your Swagbucks for a £25 voucher :o)

Is Rob going to have a proper kitchen at uni?? Lucky boy, I only had a microwave, a kettle and a toaster between 18 people.

Babe In Toyland Bomb Shell ⋅ September 08, 2015

I don't know about his kitchen situation, only that it's shared between 9 and they get food lockers!
Yeah, I know that about the swagbucks, it's just funner thinking of it in £5 increments!

Bumbly September 08, 2015

Ooooh driving is exciting :D

Perpetually Plump September 08, 2015

I've done no poo and currently I use stuff that's maybe low poo. The idea is that it's conditioner for shampoo and then heavier conditioner for the ends. I only wash my hair twice a week or so. Maybe even less. I did baking soda and vinegar for a long time, but the baking soda sometimes made my hair crunchy and I could smell the vinegar for hours. But the real issue is I have this spot just behind the crown of my head that always seemed to be greasy. The rest if my hair was just fine. But not this one patch. I hated it.

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