Rollin' On The River (Kingdom Hearts 2) in Gamer's Gaming

  • Aug. 14, 2015, 11:04 a.m.
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The Road So Far…

The threads of fate are starting to draw together for our heroic trio of Sora, Donald, and Goofy. Though they have yet to find Riku or cross paths with King Mickey again, the trio has made some progress helping the worlds they have visited. After an initial meeting with Organization XIII in Hollow Bastion, the trio made progress against the plans of Maleficent, Pete, and the Heartless in the Land of Dragons and those of Organization XIII at Beast’s Castle. As far as what those plans are, the trio has yet to discover either group’s intentions. However, the trio made the biggest move against those plans to date in the Olympus Coliseum. The trio arrived on the familiar world in an unfamiliar place, the Underworld. There they met Megara, a friend (or more) of Hercules, who had been seeking out Hades when she was attacked by the Heartless. The trio learned that Hercules had been fighting non-stop in the Coliseum against monsters sent against him by Hades. Meg had planned to ask Hades to give Herc a break, but Sora offered their services in exchange. The trip through the Underworld to Hades’ throne room left the trio drained, however, due to a curse upon the living in the Underworld. They barely managed to make it to Hades only to find him fighting a warrior drawn up from the depths of the Underworld, a man named Auron. Sora and company joined Auron in his fight until they realized they were no match for the Lord of the Dead on his own turf. They managed to escape from Hades only to have Cerberus sent after them. However, the combination of Sora and Auron proved to be too much for the Underworld’s guardian and the group managed to make their escape. The trio rejoiced only to discover that Auron had disappeared. With their plan evolving, the group decided to visit Hercules to see how he was doing. Hercules was bone tired from the constant battles, but seemed rejuvenated upon seeing his old friends once again. After discussing their problems, Hercules left for Mount Olympus while the trio trained under the watchful gaze of Phil, trainer of heroes. The trio completed their training, but Hercules returned, dejected. The Olympus Stone, a totem used by the Olympian gods to protect themselves in the Underworld, had been stolen! The trio vowed to search for the culprit. Deep in the bowels of the Underworld, they discovered the cloaked figure that had stolen the stone, Organization XIII’s number IX, Demyx. He tried to convince Roxas to come home, which only confused Sora. Demyx, not much of a fighter, tried to trip the trio up by attacking them with watery versions of himself, but the trio was more than a match for his machinations. As Demyx ran away, the trio obtained the Olympus Stone and made their way into the next room to find Meg, who was in chains and in the custody of Pete and the Heartless. With the help of Hercules, the trio managed to drive Pete out of the Underworld as well. However, Hades seemed to get the last laugh when he told Hercules he ought to check on the Hydra he had not quite defeated. The group ran back to the Olympus Coliseum to find the entire building in ruins. Hercules deflated and lost his will to fight, leaving Sora, Donald, and Goofy to finish off the Hydra, with a little help from Phil and Pegasus. After a long battle, the trio stood victorious, but was unable to shake Herc out of his funk. However, the Olympus Stone opened a pathway to a new world…well, to Sora, at least. At long last, Donald and Goofy are going to make their way home to Disney Castle. Little do they know, something sinister awaits them in a place they never imagined the darkness could touch…


The trio arrived in the depths of Disney Castle to peace and quiet. As Sora looked around at all the moving gears and stonework, he said it must be nice for Donald and Goofy to be home finally. However, Donald and Goofy simply stared around. Sora asked if everything was okay, but Goofy said that something didn’t feel quite right. Donald had to agree. Suddenly, Chip and Dale appeared, running down the stairs to greet them at full speed. The chipmunks were happy to see the trio, but not because they were home. Queen Minnie needed to see them right away! The chipmunks told the trio to step on it. The castle was in danger. Minnie would meet them in the library. The trio made their way out of the Gummi Hanger and emerged into the Royal Gardens. Sora stood agape as he took in the enormity and regality of the grounds. However, there was little time to admire the view as the Heartless put in an appearance almost immediately. Amongst their numbers was a new foe known as the Minute Bomb. When attacked, it would count down towards self-detonation. The trio was well versed in combat, however, and made quick work of the new villains before they could prove to be an issue. After fighting through wave after wave of Shadows, the trio finally made their way into the Library where they found Queen Minnie waiting for them. Donald saluted Minnie and told her that they were back. Goofy stepped forward and saluted as well, asking if she had summoned them to the castle. Queen Minnie said that she had. Sora walked up and asked where the King was. Donald jumped up and shoved Sora down to his knees. He asked Minnie to excuse their friend, Sora. Minnie’s eyes lit up at hearing Sora’s name. Mickey had told Minnie all about Sora in his letters to the Queen. Mickey had said that Sora was a very brave young man. Sora’s grin grew wider and he asked if Minnie knew where Mickey was. Minnie shook her head, much to the chagrin of the trio. Donald asked Minnie what the Heartless were doing in the castle. Minnie had not realized that those were the same beings that she had read about in Mickey’s letters. Sora told her not to worry. They would take care of them. Minnie said that she knew she could count on Sora. However, there was something that she wanted them to see in the Audience Chamber. She asked if they would escort her there. The trio stood at attention and saluted. Suddenly, Minnie realized that she had forgotten to warn everybody else in the castle about the danger. They had to make sure they were hidden somewhere safe. Sora said that they would go tell the rest of the castle’s denizens themselves. Donald wondered how they were going to tell everyone, but Goofy suggested that they just split up. Sora promised that he would make sure everyone knew what was going on. Donald told him that was a bad idea. He would just get lost. Sora agreed, so instead promised to stay and protect the Queen while Donald and Goofy warned everyone. With a plan in place, Donald and Goofy took off while Sora suggested that he and Minnie head for the Audience Chamber. Minnie agreed and said they should be on their way.

Sora fought off the Heartless outside of the room on the way to the Audience Chamber while protecting Queen Minnie, even though it seemed, at times, that the Queen was more than capable of defending herself. Sora and Minnie managed to reach the Audience Chamber in no time after Minnie lowered the magical defenses upon the door. She explained that she had sealed the room as soon as all the trouble had started. Sora and Queen Minnie arrived in the Audience Chamber to discover a gaggle of Heartless inside the room. Sora said that he would take care of them and launched into battle. Sora took a beating from the Bolt Towers in the room, but managed to guide Minnie to the throne, where Minnie pressed a button that slid the throne aside to release a bright light from below that destroyed the remaining Heartless. Minnie explained that the room below was called the Hall of the Cornerstone. Their world had always been protected from worlds that were evil thanks to the Cornerstone of Light that they kept in the Hall. Sora wasn’t sure what the Cornerstone of Light was, but followed Minnie into the basement, nonetheless. Amidst a forest of thorns stood a glowing crystal that emitted power into the room. Minnie explained that it was the cherished Cornerstone. Minnie explained that the thorns must be the work of someone very evil. As she wondered what it could mean, a ghostly figure appeared before the Cornerstone…Maleficent! Maleficent wondered who exactly was there. Why, if it wasn’t the wretched Keyblade holder and his pitiful lackeys! Donald charged Maleficent, saying she was going to deal with him. Maleficent told him all in good time as Donald passed through her and ran headfirst into the Cornerstone. Minnie asked what Maleficent was doing there. Maleficent bowed to Minnie and said she was radiant, as always. She explained that she was there on a property venture. She wanted this castle for her own. However, it was a bit too “bright” for what she had in mind. She figured she would just have to fill every room with her own personal touch of darkness. Minnie said that she had better stop right now if she knew what was good for her. Maleficent feigned concern, shaking mockingly and saying that Minnie was truly frightening. Maleficent said that she would stop…just as soon as the castle belonged to her! Maleficent disappeared in a shower of cackles as Sora commented on what a hag she was. Minnie looked downtrodden. Nothing like this had ever happened before. She had looked through all the records in the library, but she couldn’t find a single clue. Goofy suggested that they should go ask somebody who knew lots of stuff that wasn’t in any book. Sounded like Merlin. Minnie though that was perfect. Merlin might just know how to take care of this mess. Goofy remembered that Merlin was still in Hollow Bastion. Sora nodded and the trio ran back towards the Gummi Ship to make their way back to Merlin.

The trio landed back in Hollow Bastion and returned to Merlin’s House, but it didn’t seem like anybody was home. They called out for the wizard and told him that the castle was in danger. Suddenly, the white bearded warlock appeared behind them in a cloud of smoke. Merlin said it looked as if the group had learned a few things since the last time he had seen them. Sora puffed out his chest, but Donald just squawked and said to wait a second. They had a serious problem to talk about. Maleficent was back! Merlin asked where she was. Inside the castle? Goofy said her and the Heartless were both there. Donald commenced on an unintelligible explanation for a moment, but calmed himself and became clearer. He said there were Heartless in every part of the castle. The queen was in danger. Suddenly, the trio, along with Merlin, disappeared and reappeared inside the Hall of the Cornerstone in front of Queen Minnie! Merlin had figured that perhaps he better just see for himself. Merlin stroked his beard and said the situation was interesting. Minnie asked Merlin what was happening and the old wizard responded that it was not good. In fact, he felt that it was quite serious. Suddenly, Merlin cast a spell and a tall, silver door popped up in the middle of the room. Sora asked what it was. Merlin explained that it was a gateway to a special world. Someone in that world was responsible for what was going on here in the castle. Sora walked toward the door and said they would go stop him. Merlin told him to hold on a second. The perpetrators must be stopped, of course, but there was something else to do first. Somewhere in that world would be a door that was identical to this one. Merlin believed that the enemies were utilizing that door. As long as it remained open, the castle would be in grave danger. Merlin told the trio to find the door and, when they did, Sora must lock it with his Keyblade. Donald said that Merlin and Minnie could count on them. Merlin said there was one more thing. The world they were heading into was very special. While they were there, the nature of the world may tempt them to do something dark. They must resist that temptation at all costs. Sora asked what Merlin meant, but Merlin said that they would find out soon enough. He had faith in them. With their task set before them, the trio opened the door and set foot into a new world…

One where everything was black and white and old-timey?!? As they landed on the ground outside the door, Goofy looked forward and saw the Cornerstone of Light. Sora inspected the Cornerstone, then looked around at everything, including himself, and pointed out that it was all black and white. Donald said that this was kinda like….um… Goofy asked if he was talking about déjà vu. Donald said that was it. Sora asked if they had been there before and, as he did, a big burly dog lookin’ fella went running by. The guy stopped and asked if the three of them had seen any bad guys around there. Funny, he sounds just like Pete… The trio all pointed at him. Pete got all huffy and said he oughtta teach them a lesson, but then changed his mind and said he didn’t have time to waste on them. Pete turned around and took off towards a nearby pier. Sora looked at his companions and said that they had found their villain. Before chasing Pete, they looked around the area and talked to the locals. One of them said that this was the spot they were going to build Disney Castle on. Huh….did we….go back in time?!? Oh jeez, we better find Pete, and fast! Down at the pier, they found Pete standing alone. The trio ran up to him with weapons drawn. Pete spun around and asked what was with them. Did they have some kind of bone to pick with him or something? Huh, seems as if he doesn’t even recognize the trio for some reason. Maybe it’s just a trick… Sora said they had more than one. Pete wound up his arm and said that those were fighting words. However, the sound of a steamboat whistle distracted Pete and he started to walk off before the trio stepped in front of him. Pete got into a fighting stance and the battle was on. However, it seemed like only after a single series of attacks, Pete was down for the count. Pete was way stronger than that just a short while ago in the Underworld. What gives? Pete yelled at them, wondering what their beef with him was. He took a moment to look at them and asked who they were. Were they new around here? Sora told him to cut the act. The whistle cut through the air again and Pete jumped up to figure out what was going on, but after the beating he had taken, he fell back to the ground. Goofy said that something didn’t seem quite right here and asked if Pete was really Pete. He said of course he was. He was the captain of the steamboat. He told them to hit the road. He had to go find the little runt that stole his steamboat. The trio turned away from Pete and huddled together. Goofy thought that maybe they had made a mistake. Sora agreed. Pete hadn’t even tried to call any Heartless. Goofy walked up to Pete and apologized for attacking him. Pete said that if they were really sorry, they could go find his steamboat. Sora said they would get right on that as Pete’s tantrum was quashed by his back. The screen pulled back and a sign appeared on the screen welcoming the player to the Timeless River! Holy Chex Mix, we are in Steamboat Willie! Oh, crap… Anyway, back to the trio. Sora had genuinely thought that Pete was the bad guy, but Donald said that would have been way too easy. Goofy said that they should go try to find the steamboat. Sora agreed, but Donald reminded them that they had a door to find too. Sora wasn’t sure exactly where to go, but then the trio spotted what looked like a miniature stage floating in midair. Donald approached and pulled a rope, which opened the screen. A bright white light appeared. In an area identical to the one they were just in, the trio flew out and landed on the ground again. They saw the Cornerstone of Light. What they hadn’t seen, however, were Heartless flying into four very similar stage screen to the one Donald had just opened. Wait a sec… this is exactly the scene that played when they had come into this world! They saw it on screen! Sora asked what exactly that had been. Heartless going out and them coming in. Sora wondered what it meant. Donald pulled on the rope again, but nothing this time. However, in the background, the four other screens reappeared. Sora said they should go get rid of those Heartless. Goofy asked what they would do after that. Sora said they could worry about that part later. He looked around and realized that the four stages were actually windows into four different worlds. With nothing to do but dive in, Sora started at the far left window and jumped into a construction scene. The trio found themselves on a platform hanging by ropes in the middle of something being constructed. Sora wondered what they were building when a Heartless dropped out of the sky and landed right next to him. A Heartless shaped like a hammer. Suddenly, a mouse swung down on a rope and smacked the Heartless. Mickey waved at them from high above after finishing his swing. Goofy said he seemed kinda different somehow, but the trio didn’t get much chance to think on it when even more Heartless appeared from above and jumped down to their platform. The trio attacked as the Heartless tried to destroy the wires holding the scaffold in place. After some serious bouncing around, Sora activated his Valor Mode and took the fight to the Heartless, finally finishing them off. Mickey ran up out of nowhere and shook Sora’s hand vigorously before running off again. Goofy pointed off to the side of the scaffold where another screen had appeared. This screen showed the perspective of someone looking at Maleficent from behind. Maleficent called him a bumbling idiot. He had screwed up everything and had foolishly thought he could take her place while she was away. As of now, he was finished! There would be no place for him when their time came. She finished by calling him a useless imbecile. Pete tried to sputter a response, but the scene cut out before he could spit anything out. Back near the Cornerstone, Sora wondered what they had just seen. Goofy said that somebody sure was angry, but Donald didn’t understand what that had been any better than Sora did. Sora said they should just move on and clear out the three other spots first. Checking Jiminy’s Journal in case they should encounter similar enemies in future spots, Sora found out that they had fought two new Heartless called the Hammer Frame and Aeroplane. Sora headed for the next window that had a scene with a cannon in the middle of a town and jumped on in. Arriving inside, the trio found themselves in a shrunken town. Goofy wondered if it was that the town shrunk or if they had gotten bigger. The trio approached the tower in the middle of town. All of its windows were dotted with cannons. Sora mused at what he called “toys” until they saw Mickey standing off to the side, jumping up and down and waving his hands. Sora wondered what Mickey was trying to tell them when he spotted Heartless out of the corner of his eye. Aeroplanes! The trio had to protect the town while defeating the Heartless. Sora was able to use the tower to fire at the Heartless and stall them while he racked up hits of his own. After switching into Valor Form, Sora put a hurting on the Heartless and finally managed to destroy them before they could destroy the town. After the battle, Mickey again ran up and shook Sora’s hand vigorously before running off. As Sora watched Mickey run away again, Goofy pointed out another screen that had appeared towards the town’s entrance. Donald pulled the rope again, allowing the trio to see more of what was going on. A voice that was clearly Pete’s whined about how Maleficent didn’t have to go and say all those mean things, even if he had messed up every now and then. But he wasn’t useless. Why, when he was starting out… Pete reminisced about the good ol’ days. What he wouldn’t give to go back in time. Then, a bright light appeared from behind Pete. Pete turned around and found a silver door just like the one Merlin had conjured up. He cautiously opened the door and saw something, but the scene cut out before he could say what it was. Back in the present moment, Donald said that the door in that scene had looked familiar. Goofy said that it was the door that Merlin had conjured up. Donald suggested they keep solving the problems in the windows and they might learn more about the door’s location. The trio stepped into the window with the burning building next. Sora yelled “fire” and suddenly, Mickey came darting out from behind the building. Mickey did his best to block the flames, but it would be up to the trio to destroy the Heartless and save the building. Sora assumed his Valor Form right off the bat this time and gave the Heartless a beating they wouldn’t soon forget, including a new Heartless that looked like a car and another shaped like fire. Finally, the fire in the building went out. As before, Mickey ran up and shook Sora’s hand before running off. And again, as before, a new screen appeared. Donald pulled the rope again and the trio viewed another scene. It was a little later on and Pete was showing Maleficent the door. Maleficent said that it appeared to be a portal to the past. Pete said it was the strangest thing. Maleficent told him to stop gawking and start thinking of a way that they could use this to their advantage. Maleficent figured she could give Pete one last chance to redeem himself. He thanked her effusively and asked what he should do. Maleficent told him to be patient, but then noticed that she could see the Cornerstone of Light. Maleficent figured they might be able to enact a plan, but they would have to proceed with the utmost care. Back with the trio, they figured that Maleficent must have known about the door and the Cornerstone all along! After a little reasoning, the trio finally figured out that they were in the past! Sora and Donald figured that if they were in the past, they could change the future. Goofy, somehow the only one in this group with a fully functioning brain, told them to hold on a second and remember what Merlin had said. They had to resist the temptation to change the future, no matter what. Sora and Donald both said they were only kidding. Sora wondered what they should do. Goofy said that his brain hurt from these doors and bad guys. Donald, oddly the optimist, said that at least they knew they were on the right track. There was still one more window showing a room with its furniture being sucked away. After the battle, Sora checked Jiminy’s Journal and saw that the car-like Heartless were called Hot Rods. Finally, it was time for the trio to jump into the final window. The trio arrived in the room to find a black vortex sucking up everything in the room. Mickey did his best to protect his furniture, but then the Heartless appeared and it was time for the trio to step in and help. When Sora went to change to Valor Form this time, however, he became a dark version of himself, an Anti-Sora that moved and attacked like the Heartless. Weird. He made quick work of the Heartless, however, and saved Mickey’s stuff. After the battle, Mickey shook his hand again and ran off. As before, another screen appeared and Donald pulled the rope. Maleficent told Pete to listen closely. On the other side of the door, they were about to start construction on Disney Castle, but until then, the Cornerstone of Light was unprotected, all of its power still contained. She told Pete that the Cornerstone was the only thing that prevented them from entering the castle. Maleficent asked Pete if he knew what must be done. Big guy seemed confused, but Maleficent ignored it and told him to go do what must be done. She warned him that he better not dare to fail her again. It occurred to Pete that all he had to do was smash the Cornerstone to smithereens. All he had to do was get his old boat back. Back with the trio, Sora said that it had been Pete that they beat up, after all. Donald was angry that they had been tricked. Goofy said that something still didn’t seem right. Sora thought about it. The Pete they had met here had an attitude but didn’t seem like a bad guy. Suddenly, Donald spun around and spotted the Pete they had come to know and loathe. Present-Pete laughed and took off towards the Waterway, saying that the castle was as good as theirs. Goofy looked around and yelled out. The Cornerstone was gone! That meant they were going to fill the castle with darkness. They had to hurry. Just then, they spotted Past-Pete running by towards the Waterway. Sora told him to wait right there, but Past-Pete told him no way. He had finally found the pipsqueak that had stolen his boat. Donald said yeah, it was him. Pete said yeah, him! Wait, no, it wasn’t him, just somebody that looked like him. Sora grasped his head and wondered which one it was…though honestly, it is pretty easy to tell the difference. Anyhow, the trio chased after both Petes, who both had headed towards the waterway.

The trio arrived at the Waterway to find the two Petes fighting. Past-Pete told the other one to give him back his boat. Present-Pete told him that his future was on the line, so to back off and let him have the boat. Present-Pete hauled off and knocked his past self over the next ridge before jumping on the boat to make his escape. The trio ran after the boat as the steamboat began to pull away. Pete tried throwing random junk at them, but Sora knocked it back at him, knocking the steamboat off course and closer to the shore, allowing the trio to attack the cage holding the Cornerstone in an effort to set it free. Grabbing ahold of the steamboat’s hook, Sora swung out over the water and went to work on the bars of the cage. The trio did some serious damage to the cage before Pete got his wits back about him and attacked again with random detritus, but that plan worked out pretty much like it did the first time. Sora knocked him for a loop again and the boat pulled in close to the shore and, after a quick series of strikes, Sora broke the cage and freed the Cornerstone of Light, knocking Present-Pete into the water in the process. Pete said they would pay for this, but got knocked in the head by the raft the cage had been on. Donald wanted to grab the Cornerstone, but Goofy and Sora said they could come back for it later. Pete was making a run for the doorway and they had to close it permanently.

The trio tailed Pete to the Wharf where they found him confronted by his past self, once again. Present-Pete punched his past self in the face once again, knocking him down. The trio ran up and told Present-Pete that he should fight someone like them, but Past-Pete came barreling in and joined the fight. Pete used his bowling bombs and punches during the battle, but Sora countered with his and Donald’s new limit, Comet. After the first use, Sora switched into Valor Form and put a whooping on Present-Pete. Every now and then, Pete would change the scenery and the Heartless helping him to one of the four window scenes. First came the Fiery Inferno, followed by the Mysterious Vortex, then Lilliput, ending on the High Rise Scaffolding. As Pete knocked the scaffold around, he launched Sora into the air, allowing Sora to use an Air Slash attack, which finished Pete off for good. Pete collapsed back to the ground and his past self said that it served him right. Pete conjured the door and escaped back into the present, allowing Sora to lock the door from this side, barring Pete and Maleficent from the past, once and for all. Past-Pete walked up and asked what was going on here. Who was that guy anyways? Sora told him that the creep had been him from the future. Or, he tried to, but Goofy covered his mouth and told him that was a secret. Pete wondered what kind of a secret he meant, but said nevermind. He apologized for putting the trio through all that trouble. Donald told him to just not make a habit out of it as they all had a good laugh. Pete told them that, to show his appreciation, he would let them pilot his steamboat. Best little craft on the river! His deck hand, Mickey, was late anyway. The trio piloted the steamboat, and the Cornerstone of Light, back towards land as Mickey lounged on the back of the raft. Sora received the Monochrome keyblade for his troubles. Goofy figured the castle must be safe now and Sora said it was time to head back. Donald tried to suggest something while they were still there, but Sora and Goofy jumped on him for it. Sora and Goofy grabbed hold of Donald and tossed him through the door before entering it themselves and returning to the castle, where the thorns had disappeared before the eyes of Minnie, Merlin, Chip, and Dale. Minnie thanked the trio for all of their hard work and for saving the castle. Merlin said that he hoped they hadn’t done anything reckless while they were there. Donald piped up first, saying of course they hadn’t. Sora and Goofy got a good laugh out of that. Donald turned around and spotted Daisy standing in the doorway. Daisy walked into the room and Donald ran up to her, saying that he was back. Sora asked Goofy who she was, and Goofy told him that she was Donald’s very special sweetheart. Suddenly, Daisy turned on Donald and said that he had forgotten their date again and that he had better have a good excuse this time. Donald tried to come up with something, but Daisy was having none of it. She knew he was on an important mission, but he could at least check in every once in a while. Donald backed away and looked back towards Sora and Goofy, but the two of them just looked up at the sky. Donald begged Sora for some help, but then he saw the door again and a smile lit up his beak. Merlin scolded him for even having the idea, but Donald said he would just be a minute. He ran for the door, but Daisy caught him by the tail feathers and asked if he was going somewhere. Donald said of course not, but took off running with Daisy hot on his tail. Minnie gasped and told them all to look. The Cornerstone of Light was casting a brighter light than normal and opened a Keyhole of Light in the sky. Sora used the Keyblade to open a path to another world, once more. Sora apologized to Daisy and said they would need Donald for a little longer. Daisy asked how much longer. Donald said he would be back soon. Goofy told Queen Minnie not to worry. They would return. Sora asked her to tell King Mickey that they were still looking for him. As the trio made their way back to the Gummi Ship, Sora noticed that he had received another orb. It turned out to trigger his Wisdom Form, which would use the help of Donald to allow Sora to magically lay waste to any that opposed him! With a new form and a new path, the trio returned to the Gummi Ship

They were alerted that a new mission had appeared at the Olympus Coliseum. Not only that, two new paths were opened to the trio. One led to Atlantica, home of their old friend Ariel. The other led to a place called Port Royal that the trio had never heard of. With so many options, the trio decided to stick with the most familiar to start and headed for the Olympus Coliseum to see what was going on in the Underworld…

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