Mission accomplished. in It's a llittle llazy over here

  • July 27, 2015, 6:23 p.m.
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  • Public

We found llamas.

The holiday was nice . . . it was good to get away and lasted just long enough for us to be glad to be coming home, but not so long that we had any days where we were wishing that we were at home. . . Camping can be nice, but it has an expiry date when there’s a nice bed waiting back at home.

We’ve been back for several days now - I go back to work on Thursday, since I make it a policy to never go back on a five day week if it can be helped.

So. . . I still have two days off. Work is just starting to loom large, but I can ignore it for just a little while longer.

Things are generally OK. And there were llamas. Llamas are always good.

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