‘The Day of the Doctor’ in The Opening Book.

  • Nov. 25, 2013, 11:15 a.m.
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I’ve had a few starts about The Day of the Doctor, all I shall say is Steven Moffat has had writing towards this story since 2005. Strangely the various strings of the story are brought together by a fez, John Hurt was a new Doctor – from the passed, all the Doctor’s were in the story to a point, even the new Doctor we shall only see at Christmas.

The other programme was ‘An Adventure in Time and Space’ a drama about the start of Doctor Who, and also about Brittan fifty years ago, the difficulties of being a 28 year old women producer in the BBC in 1963 [don’t call me ‘my dear girl’ again!] And about being a gay Asian male Editor in 1960’s England; a programme that worked on those level’s.

There is a third programme made by Peter Davison [Doctor number five] called ‘Five(ish) Doctors Reboot’ You can only see this on line, a comic half hour of three Doctor’s trying to get in on the Fifty Year Episode, some dredfull over acting and a very good joke, but to get the juke you must see ‘The Day of the Doctor’

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