Wednesday, April 15th 2015 in I Need A New Job

  • April 15, 2015, 8:39 p.m.
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  • Public

Writers note: all names are changed to nicknames to protect myself… nobody is innocent here

It’s an absolute red letter day! Although… I don’t actually know what that means. What I do know is that I will remember this well!

Buzz: Are you free around 11 on Friday?
Me: I think so [checks schedule], yes I am
Buzz: There’s going to be a meeting with Mr Mayor, S.Club representatives and myself, and quite frankly since you know the business and have all the hands on experience I’d like if you were able to come. I mean Mr Mayor has some new information to bring to the table, but it would be nice if you were there to have the facts of how things run.
Me: Yeah sure, I’ll be there you bet.
[conversation continues]

Finally. FINALLY! Legit recognition. A moment of Buzz actually being honest with himself… I DO know more than he does! I don’t necessarily want to have to do work stuff on a day off, but at least I get paid for it, and it feels really good to have him say those things.

So how come I always have to be pregnant when things start to go well at work?

Cat Mommy April 16, 2015

Awesome! Recognition ALWAYS feels good!

Ferret Mom April 16, 2015

Yayy for recognition!

lessoff April 16, 2015


Chronic Ecstasy April 29, 2015


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