19 in nojomo 2013

  • Nov. 19, 2013, 7:26 p.m.
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  • Public

So, pray tell - what makes my life worth living? Well, ya'll know the answer to that - the kids, the Hubbie, the incredible childhood. Life in general makes my life worth living so I'm going to go into the minutiae.

Snuggling, naked, with Rich just before we sleep. It's my favourite place in the world.

Cuddling up with Lila as she says "tickle me!" And I gently tickle her with my finger nails.

Seeing the smile of pure, unadulterated joy and pride on Tal's face when she achieves or succeeds in something she's been working towards.

Stopping and noticing a moment in time, the way the sun colours a leaf, or the snow falls under the streetlights. A squirrel high in a tree and a dog snuffling under a tree.

Time on my own to meditate, to think. Time to work both my body and mind. Time away from the wants, needs and incessant talking of people.

Open diary and (now) prosebox, all my friends here and their acceptance of who I am.

The people in the world who seem to appreciate me, one friend who calls me wonderful when I help her out. I don't do anything that anyone else wouldn't do. I love the appreciation all the same.

That, even when I feel as though I'm coasting along on peoples' coat tails, I somehow seem to get it right. I often feel out of my depth at breastmates, probably because I never really had any breastfeeding issues. I always manage to pick out another member of the group who would be more likely to have knowledge on the issue at hand.

Knowing that every night I can curl up under my duvet, snuggle into my amazing pillow. I lie on my right hand side all curled up and then gradually stretch my legs out. My sleeping position is perfect, one leg stretched out and the other tucked up tight to my chest.

Having many people in my life, in all pockets of my life. The school gate mums, the Spanish class friends, toy library friends and breastmates friends. There's always someone to chat to, make small talk and have a laugh with.

Having a front door to close at the end of the day...

Life Is For Living November 19, 2013

What a lovely entry <3

Deleted user November 19, 2013

Que entrada más preciosa :-)

Estoy muy feliz por ti, te mereces todo lo bueno :-)

~Twinkle~ November 19, 2013

:) xx

Deleted user November 20, 2013

Yep, stopping and noticing a moment in time. That sums up my take on it, too.

Deleted user November 20, 2013

I agree, very very very lovely entry. I shall be reading more often :) How old are your kids? I have seen your name around for YEARS. I am sorry I haven't visited sooner.

ermentrude Deleted user ⋅ November 20, 2013

Hiya, I have two girls who are 5 (lila) and 7 (tal). I like that prosebox has been like a teaspoon in a hot drink, mixing us all up and introducing us to new people :) x

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