Ho ho ho green giant in Snippets

  • Aug. 10, 2013, 3:13 a.m.
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  • Public

I got a phone call from the jolly green giant when I was at home. We were having supper and the phone rang my mum answered it and gave me the phone . I said hello and he said he was the jolly green giant and he was concerned because he was told I didn't like vegetables. I told the jolly green giant I liked vegetables but I wouldn't eat beets spinach,yams squash, turnips Swiss chard or Brussels sprouts I said I would eat peas carrots cauliflower broccoli tomatoes mushrooms, string beans broad beans yellow wax beans zucchini and onions peppers potatoes cucumbers so it was agreed on by th ho ho ho man itself. Since then I have only eaten vegetables agreed upon. Thank you Jolly green giant. When I had show and tell at school I told them about my phone call The kids laughed at me

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