Kingdom Hearts: Dumbo And Dumber, Pooh-ing The Day Away, and Fighting For Flying Horses(Interlude 3) in Gamer's Gaming

  • April 27, 2015, 12:44 a.m.
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As before, no recap of things up to this point. Just on with the show…

Sora, Donald, and Goofy return to Traverse Town inside of Merlin’s House once more. With a Torn Page and a new gem in hand, it seemed like the right place to start. The trio first approaches the tiny green coach and awakens the Fairy Godmother, handing her the Watergleam gem. With a Bibbity Bobbity Boo, the Fairy Godmother released the spirit of Dumbo from inside the gem. According to Jiminy, Dumbo was a young elephant who was mocked due to his extremely large ears until he began to fly, making him a star. Sora welcomed another ally into the fold and thanked the Fairy Godmother for her assistance before walking over to the mysterious book. Opening the book, Sora returned to his shrunken size once more and approached a newly discovered tree in the top left corner of the book. Sora returned the torn page to the book and was sucked into it’s pages once more…

Inside the pages, Sora found an expanse of vegetable fields with pumpkins, carrots, and cabbages. There was also a house built into a tree on the other side. Sora approached the house and checked the mailbox, which said Rabbit on the side. Inside was a letter from Pooh, telling Rabbit he hoped to search for honey with him again sometime. Sora wandered around back behind the house and there he found Pooh, spying through one of the house’s windows with Piglet standing close by. Piglet spotted Sora first and told him that Rabbit’s house had come back, but it seemed as if Rabbit wasn’t home. Pooh had been calling and calling, but the house claimed that nobody was home…wait, what? Pooh called into the house again, asking if anybody was home and a voice came back from inside the house, insisting that nobody was there. Methinks there is some tomfoolery afoot. Sora returned to the front of the house and went on in through the front door. Meanwhile, Pooh asked who this person named Nobody was. Then Pooh asked if Nobody had seen Rabbit as he crawled in through the window hole. The voice yelled that there was no Rabbit there. In fact, there was no one there. Pooh finally made his way through the hole, though, and there stood Rabbit. Pooh told Rabbit hello. Piglet followed Pooh into the house and, as Sora stood in the background, Rabbit, seeming dejected, told Pooh what a “pleasant” surprise it was to see him. And Piglet too. And…then Rabbit turned around to face Sora, asking who he was. Instead of worrying about it, Rabbit turned back to Pooh and apologized as he was completely out of honey at the moment. Pooh’s nose, however, could not be fooled and there, hidden in the rafters of the house, was a pot of honey. Rabbit apologized, saying he had forgotten all about it, and asked if Pooh would like some. Of course, he shouldn’t feel like he had to have some. Pooh, of course, claimed he could use just a little smackerel before consuming the entire pot of honey. Guess we really can’t blame Rabbit for trying to convince Pooh that nobody was home or that he was out of honey. It’s amazing the forest is still standing the way that friggin’ bear eats. With Pooh eating the last drops of honey, Sora exited the house and made to leave the area when a tiny voice cried out behind him. Piglet was calling for help! Apparently, Pooh attempted to exit Rabbit’s house through the same tiny hole he had crawled in, except this time, he was stuck after eating all that honey. That fat ass bear strikes again. Pooh, of course, claimed that the hole must have shrunk since he had come in that way. Rabbit moaned that if Pooh didn’t slim down, his house would stay plugged up forever. Then it came to Rabbit: a bit of carrot juice might just do the trick. Rabbit made to run to his garden when suddenly, he cried out. Tigger had arrived, bouncing all over everything as usual, destroying the bridge that crossed the stream the flowed through Rabbit’s vegetable patch before bouncing and knocking over Sora. Tigger introduced himself and realized he had never seen Sora around before. Pooh said hello to Tigger and introduced Sora. Tigger seemed to think that getting stuck in a hole was some sort of exercise and said that bouncing around was alot more fun. Sora asked Tigger why he bounced around so much. Because bouncing is what Tiggers do best, of course. Problem was Tigger’s bouncing spot had disappeared and he decided to lay claim to Rabbit’s garden as his new bouncing spot. Rabbit groaned, saying that Tigger’s bouncing would ruin his vegetables and if Pooh didn’t get some carrot juice, he would be stuck forever. Rabbit then decided to ask Sora if he would keep Tigger away from Rabbit’s carrots. Just then, Owl appeared from nowhere. He explained that if Tigger were to bounce on a carrot twice, it would be buried. All Sora had to do was protect the carrots from Tigger’s bounces. Sora did his best and managed to block Tigger nine times, saving thirteen of the fifteen carrots. Tigger congratulated Sora on keeping up with him so well. Rabbit thanked Sora for saving his carrots and said he was going to get right on top of making the carrot juice for Pooh. Sora retreated into Rabbit’s house to wait for the finished product. After finishing, Rabbit told Sora that he had given Pooh the carrot juice and now, all they had to do was give him a little push. Sora took a few steps back and ran right at Pooh’s backside, knocking him out of the hole and sending him crashing into some of Rabbit’s stuff. Rabbit stared on in horror as Pooh’s head became lodged in one of his honey pots. With that, Sora returned to the book itself. The torn page became a mythril shard as a reward for completing yet another part of the story. With a job well done, Sora returned to his normal size in Merlin’s House. With all of the magic he had learned, Sora decided to talk to Merlin himself. The old wizard congratulated Sora on his progress and rewarded him with the Spellbinder keychain. With his new rewards in hand, Sora and crew made their way to the Third District to check in with Leon and company.

Inside the Small House, Aerith asked Sora if he had seen a man with spiky hair at the Coliseum. Sora told her that he had. Aerith sighed, wondering if he was still searching for his friend. After a pause, she asked Sora to tell the man, if he should see the man again, to be careful. She told Sora that she knew he wasn’t terribly friendly, but that they cared about him dearly nonetheless. After his visit, Sora decided it was time to check in on the dalmatians. Inside the Dalmatian’s House, Sora and company found that all of the dalmatians they had discovered had made it home safely. In fact, it seemed as if the house was beginning to get a little crowded. With a small gift of a gummi piece for a job well done, the trio decided to make their way over to the First District and see what was going on. First, they stopped into the Synthesis Shop to create a few new items. Down the stairs from the Synthesis Shop, the trio discovered a new home had been erected. The sign outside read Geppetto. Guess our friends made it to Traverse Town safely. With a sigh of relief, the trio made their way into the new house. Inside, they found Pinocchio and Geppetto safe and working away in Geppetto’s new workshop. Father and son were as happy to see Sora and the gang safe as Sora was to see them. Sora asked how they had made it to Traverse Town and Geppetto told him that a man named Leon had helped them and even had helped them get their new home up and running. Geppetto then told them that he had heard they were fighting the Heartless and gave them a few designs for gummi ships that he had created. On another side of the house, Sora found a chest and inside found a new keychain called the Wishing Star. Sora kept his new keychains in the back of his mind, even though the Three Wishes keyblade was still stronger. Finally, Sora found the tenth and final Postcard hidden in the back corner of the shop. After saying their goodbyes, the group made it’s way back out to the First District and mailed the last Postcard off, receiving a Defense Up item. With Traverse Town fully explored once more, the trio decide to test their mettle once more at the Coliseum…

Back in the Coliseum, Sora and company decided to take a shot at the Phil Cup time attack first. After the recent battles they had been through, the Heartless in the Phil Cup posed almost no challenge whatsoever and the group won the Games handily, receiving a Tech Boost ability for Sora in the process. Then it was time for the main event, the Pegasus Cup. (Ed.- As before, I am only going to give a description of the groups of Heartless that are being fought instead of a rundown of the battle.) The trio entered the Coliseum for the first round face-off with a group comprised of Air Soldiers, Search Ghosts, and a Bandit. Round two saw our heroes facing a group made up of Bandits, Shadows, and Barrel Spiders. The third round pitted the heroes against a group made up of a Fat Bandit, Large Bodies, a Pot Spider, and a Barrel Spider. The fourth round offered up a group of Pot Spiders, Yellow Operas, and Green Requiems. Round five had the group facing a group of Fat Bandits and Search Ghosts. Round six pitted the group against a group of Black Fungii. The seventh round brought forth a group comprised of Pot Spiders and Barrel Spiders. The eighth round revealed a group of Fat Bandits and Large Bodies. In the Final Round, the group faced off against their friends, Leon and Yuffie, who apparently decided to participate in the Games without telling us. Dicks. After a tough battle with some worthy opponents, the trio stood victorious as the winners of the Pegasus Cup and Sora gained the Strike Raid ability. Hercules complimented Sora and company on their progress and another win in the Games. In the vestibule, Sora asked if it took strength to be a hero. Surprisingly, Phil told them what it really took to be a true hero was a strong heart. Then, of course, he said that if they needed to ask what it took to have a strong heart, then they weren’t heroes yet. With yet another Games under their belts, the group decided it was time to take off and find their next adventure…

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