Sweet weekend in Just me!

  • March 29, 2015, 9:22 p.m.
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Our 3 grandchildren spent last night and today with us, and we had such a good time. We went to see the play “Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.” One of the cast members is a classmate of our oldest grandson. Last night we had pizza, played, talked and loaded up eggs for the Easter Egg hunt at church today.

This morning we went to the Palm Sunday service at church. Then we went to lunch and returned to church for the egg hunt. What fun!

They are home again, and I miss them already. Thank goodness I will see them at school tomorrow! Our sweet granddaughter was pitiful. She was crying and not wanting to go to sleep tonight, because she wanted to sleep with Nanny again. I talked to her on the phone, and she eventually went to sleep. sigh

Our younger grandson did something amazing today. One of his teachers has cancer and told the class she was going to shave her head this weekend. So tonight he had his dad shave his head, so she wouldn’t be the lone one with a bald head there.I am so proud of him!

crystal butterfly March 29, 2015

Our grandchildren are so very special.

motherofthree March 30, 2015

How neat that he did that. Glad you had a good time with them. =^..^=

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