Back in the Real World in Muddling Through As Best I Can

  • March 21, 2015, 9:15 a.m.
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My trip to Dallas was fun, my week was uneventful at work. Friday next week I leave for 3 days in New Orleans, and that’s the last of my traveling for a bit.
A little while back I alluded to drama I would talk about later, and here it is;
My daughter in law’s upcoming childbirth is not my fifth grandchild after all. Turns out it will be my sixth. I recently discovered that Bradley has a two year old son that everyone somehow forgot to mention. He got with a young lady who had a crush on him, had sex one night and dumped her the next day, because he’s classy that way. The young lady said she doesn’t want him to have anything to do with her or the baby, named Micah, because he’s worthless, does drugs, manipulates, etc. I find it hard to argue with her sentiment, because he’s done all those things. I should say that I haven’t met her or Micah as of yet, this has come to me via her younger sister, but I do intend to make contact soon with them. Brad for his part said he doesn’t want anything to do with them either because he doesn’t like the mother. That doesn’t work for me at all. He helped create a life, he will be responsible for it at least financially, even if I have to file the paternity suit as a third party.
I’m giving him time to think over his decision first, and in the meantime, I have sent her some extra funds along with a letter detailing my desire to help where I may and assuring her that while I would like to meet her and Micah, I will not make any demands, nor is my assistance contingent on that decision.
She is a night shift manager at a Pizza Hut restaurant, so her money is limited. Her parents are helping, but they are retired.
I know people may think I’m a bit strange, and that’s okay. I’ve always marched to my own drumbeat and I’m too old to change now. I believe that you must always try to do the next right thing, and this is the right thing.
I may never get to meet him, but he is still my grandson and I will not sit idly by while he goes without because my son decided to be a deadbeat dad.
I can’t remember a time when I have been more upset and disappointed in Bradley than I am right now.
I know that he has a lot on his shoulders with a new wife, stepdaughter and a baby due any minute, but he created this situation with careless (and heartless) behavior. Taking action and stepping up to take responsibility is the only right decision on his part, and hopefully he will do so soon so that I don’t do it for him.
His mother would be so crushed by this. She was left to raise her kids alone without any assistance or participation until we married. I reminded him of that and how she struggled in those days, and he just got angry. I told him Kenneth (biological parent) was a drug addict, Brad has a problem it; Kenneth made babies and ran from responsibility, Brad is doing the same.
Do you know what Kenneth asked for to sign over custody of the boys and let me adopt them? A case of beer and some xanax. He was a classy guy. He settled for a twelve-pack, I refused to buy drugs for him. He signed on the dotted line for beer and gave his sons away. It worked out great for me, I love them even with all the aggravation Brad can put me through. Two years later Kenneth was found dead in a drug house from an overdose.
This is not the fate I want for my son, and I don’t believe in nature over nurture. We taught him better. “Teach your children in the way they must go, and they will not depart from it”.
He’ll come around one day, I’m going to hold on to that and do what I have to in the meantime

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