It is not on my programme ………… in The Opening Book.

  • Nov. 19, 2013, 12:15 p.m.
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Just back from Truro, despite my gym work the streets of Truro are still a leg killer, I think getting around was ok a little longer until I felt some complaints; and brief sit down was more beneficial! I had a session yesterday and intend to do the same tomorrow, yesterday as I was doing my best on the cross-trainer I was watching M, it was he who wrote my exercise programme, he was on a piece of equipment that can torture you in many various ways! It is not on my programme, M was using the bars just out of reach, he gave a hope and he was hanging by his arms, then he pulled him self until his chest was almost above the bars, and continued until he had dun ten with out stop; on the cross-trainer I was pulling and pushing the hand levers and cycle foot pads – I just made seven minutes and nine seconds.

My programme says ten to fifteen, it is the endurance I fail at, the weight stuff I can do at the lower weight load, I got on one machine for developing my chest muscles, a wide set of handlebars are pulled to me with using other muscles, when I pulled it felt as if the machine was jammed, a quick look at the weights and I knew the problem, it was either my strength or there were to many weights engaged; it was both as two thirds of the weights were on the end of the handlebar!!!

Truro has yet to get Christmas fever, getting about was fine, in Smiths they are still trying to get us onto the serve-your-self, as it is often – the lady on the till is helping people using the Serve-Your-Self system, I did manage to get my Christmas Cards for Portsmouth; and to my archaeologist nephew in Texas; as much as I think Christmas begins on the twenty fourth of December there are things that wont wait.

Today has felt like a winter day, the air is quite crisp on my skin and the gusting wind adds to the feel, I often feel better on this days the cool dampness is not good for the lungs! Time to finish, my Daughter and I have our watercolour paining class tonight …..

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