*Hold On I am Here* in ♥ The best of me to you ♥

  • April 12, 2015, 2:41 p.m.
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Ooooo two entries in one week! Thought while I am online and not being lazy I would update..I don’t have alot to chat about just been working and stuff..My mouth is all better I got rid of my tongue ring :( still miss feeling it in my mouth but it was time to let it go after 7 years.but not giving up my nose ring I love it and it’s been 10 years I planned on getting it but my tongue was not planned just out with friends and thought hey let’s pop in here and get tongue rings together…

I went to NV yesterday just played Keno and won! Took $20.00 came home with $120.00 not to bad....Had a few drinks and some rum with hot coco which was so yummy! It was a very nice day....Today I got up and went to Walmart to get a few things for dinner then came home and been doing a few things online but I want to repaint my nails and do a small load of wash before it starts getting to late and I will be lazy lol so I think I’ll wrap this up I am going to post some pics and get going huggs to all Mermz....

Hermione in her new doggie bed
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Hermione napping in my bed
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Mr.Coco I got for Easter from my mommy
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Hermione with her Easter Loot
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My nails I got done last week
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My British Eggs I got for Easter
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Keno time yesterday
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Last updated April 19, 2015

blackpropaganda April 12, 2015

Hi Merm - glad you are OK - we had Creme Eggs too!

ThisIsME April 12, 2015

I remember when I took all my tongue rings out, then my labra then my eyebrow. I miss them but I had to grow up after 7-10 years of having them it was hard but needed lol

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