morning light in Book of Lies.....

  • Feb. 24, 2015, 4:38 p.m.
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sunrise girl photo: sunrise sunrises.jpg

The sun called me this morning. I looked to the sunrise and the sun could not spread it’s light across the sky. Instead she took all her energy and sent it straight up is a wide beam of gold and yellow. I knew it was for me for I felt the loneliness she too felt. Calling for me to look. To think of just her.
Life is like that I guess. Standing in a crowd where everyone can see. Viewable from the reaches of both horizons yet hoping for one person to actually see you. That person maybe intrigued by your very existence. A thinking feeling radiant piece of flesh and blood. Capable of great sorrow and immense love and joy. Unique. Each a diamond like no other. Like the sun able to warm you skin and bring color to your cheeks. Radiating a different kind of light.
The sun called me this morning.

sunrise girl photo: Tequila Sunrise TequilaSunrise_zps3c45a6c5.jpg

Deleted user February 24, 2015

Love 'em both!

dickson. February 24, 2015

Deleted user February 24, 2015

RN/ Beautiful words and pictures...E

Skikkles911 February 25, 2015

Beautifully said!

WomanOfSteele February 25, 2015

Lacrime di Drago February 26, 2015

Waiting For Sunrise February 27, 2015

I love this. And the first picture especially is beautiful, sunrise and sunset captivate me. They look so much the same, and yet their meanings are polar opposites..

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