Day 11? in 2015

  • Jan. 15, 2015, 10:55 p.m.
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Last night was mostly a shitshow when it came to sleeping. Of course he was still awake when I got home from my groups, which was about 10:30p. He was sweet and agreeable… but he just.wouldn’ So eventually we just caved in and brought him up to our bed, where we all fell asleep just before midnight.


He started squirming and kicking and making noise around 5a (@!^%&!) asking for water. I was so irritated and so sleepy, I just threw my hands up, swooped him up and stomped down the stairs. SO GRUMPY. I was just generally being a giant btch, so Aaron came down and took over by taking JRB into the guest bed to snuggle so I could actually get some sleep. But I couldn’t fall back to sleep (of course) so I waited until it was 6-something and then went down to transition Joaquin out of the guest bed into his own room (he was totally zonked out, thankfully) so Aaron and I could sleep upstairs, kid-free.

I finally fell back to sleep and woke up when Joaquin started shouting MAMA?! at around 8-ish.


Anyway, today ended up being somewhat productive, because Joaquin went through his usual routine since he was fever-free in the morning. But around 3p we got a call from his school that he had a fever of 101.2, which meant he had to come home. :SIGH: And he can’t go tomorrow, because he needs to be fever-free for 24 hours. And Monday is a holiday..... So he won’t be back in school until Tuesday of next week.

Lordy, lordy.

But this weekend should be fun if he is feeling better. My niece is coming to town tomorrow and we have some fun stuff planned.... fingers crossed (again). AND we have massages scheduled for Sunday night, so YAY AND AMEN to that.

As you were.

Jeanine January 16, 2015

A night of bad sleep is SO rough. Especially if you're used to a good sleeper! I hope everyone bounces back to they're regularly scheduled sleeping tonight :D

TrippyNina January 16, 2015

Welcome to my world. Logan will.not.sleep.through.the.night. It's exhausting.

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