Summer 2014 Downtown in Behind the Lens

  • Jan. 3, 2015, 8:37 a.m.
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  • Public

 photo DownTown_zps1afc263c.jpg

I took this picture while downtown last summer 2014. I love all the old buildings that are scattered throughout the city. I love the architecture.

I like to take pictures of many things:)

Have a great day:)

crystal butterfly January 03, 2015

Maybe someday generations from now the people will think some of the modern architecture we have now as being so nice and cool and old. :^)

*Sharla crystal butterfly ⋅ January 04, 2015

Yes:) Thats how I feel bout the architecture that was created before I was born. I really enjoy historical buildings and all things of historic nature.

Leanne 🌈 January 03, 2015

Nice shot.

*Sharla Leanne 🌈 ⋅ January 04, 2015

Thank You:)

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