Diabetes update in Another Open Diary refugee

  • Dec. 8, 2014, 11:58 p.m.
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John saw the doc on Friday and got yelled at for not taking his metformin because ‘nobody his size could possibly control type II diabetes with diet alone’… the doc had to eat his words - he called John a few minutes ago to tell him to keep doing what he’s doing because his A1C came back vastly improved. In July when he got really sick it was a massive 10.3. Friday’s blood draw? 5.9! He took metformin for three months and we switched to low-carb eating. No potatoes or pasta at all, and instead of regular bread we eat low-carb breads. And when I bake, I make low-carb desserts with about 1/4 the carb count because I sub out more than half the flour and sugar for carb-free alternatives. He’s also lost a good 60 pounds in the last 6 months just from the lower-carb diet! (I’ve lost less than 10… but I’ve been bad about following it. I have a sweet tooth…) Weight-loss was not the aim of the diet, blood-sugar control was, and in that effect, we’ve been highly successful. And it’s a diet that’s not too deprivational for us to keep it up. We should be able to eat this way forever… the doc also died of shock at John’s perfectly normal cholesterol - he forgot that John’s family has genetically very low cholesterol levels… their major problem is diabetes, if the cancer doesn’t get them first!

Silent Echo/Quiet Storm December 09, 2014

doctors are not gods. they don't know everything. they don't call it 'practicing' medicine for no reason. i take what doctors say with a grain of salt. good for the two of you for sticking to your blood sugar diets. take care,

Darcy0207 from OD December 09, 2014

Glad you're doing what works! One of the benefits of metformin is that it also prevents certain cancers.

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