New lifestyle? in The start of something?

  • Nov. 23, 2014, 8:24 a.m.
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Hubby and I have never really been outdoors type people when we are home. We love going for walks on trails etc, but when we’re home, we basically are in front of our computers or sitting on the couch watching a movie…
Now that our deck is being built, we’ve been having dinner out there and it’s so nice!!! The deck isn’t even finished yet! It’s so relaxing to sit out there and we have beautiful views of the coastline AND the city centre. We are extremely lucky....

Of course it helps that the weather has been perfect!!! Even though it hardly rains here, I wanted the deck with a roof… otherwise what’s the point? We wanted to have a greater entertaining area (which we will now have) but if I have to worry that it’s going to rain then it hasnt done the proper job… it’s going to cut a lot of sunlight from the kitchen and front room but I think the gain will make it worth it.

The other option is to have a retractable (somehow) roof… that would be pretty costly I think. Not sure. I think hubby is going to talk it over with the guy who’s doing the work this week....


With my exercising and weight, I’m at an awkward stage where my usual work pants won’t stay up, and the “old” pants I have, even though I can put them on and do them up, are probably still a kilo or two from being able to be worn....
I’ve been including more and more running in my walking and my body seems to be taking it well. Even my feet seem to cope better. Its probably because I’m putting different pressure on them when I run and its good to have a change…
I’m eating so much though.. which kind of scares me. I mean if I wasn’t exercising how big would I be??? There’s always some celebration going on at work and there’s food everywhere and I’m so weak when it comes to that....

A friend and I went to see Sade in 2011 when hubby and I were split, and today I put on that same dress I wore when we went to the concert. At that time I was training for a 100km ultra marathon so I was stoked that I could comfortably put it on! My face still looks fat in photos though…


Kids are doing good.. just wish my son would find a decent job but I think he’s really started trying now.... Hopefully he’ll find something…
My work is going well… nothing new....
hubby is back at work after a 10 day vacation break… he was a bit depressed this morning.... he said he just sees so much work that has to be done and I said a house is never perfect!! We will be doing small things here and there all the time. That’s what people do.. and told him to not stress about it because after all, who is he trying to measure himself up against? There are no time contraints. As long as we are happy and comfortable that’s all that matters…

Can’t think what else to write right now....

I need tea. November 23, 2014

Complicated Disaster November 23, 2014

I'm planning on building a deck for the same reason! Also I put on loads of weight while I was I'll as I couldn't stop eating like I was still doing exercise. Xx

ermentrude November 23, 2014

The deck sounds amazing! X

blackpropaganda November 23, 2014

A roof is useful if it is too hot! Sounds great - but I can understand how he feels - if you like to chill out at home and things are constantly being done it can be a bit wearing - and hey, I bet you look great

whowhatwhere November 23, 2014

We need pictures! Both of the deck and the view!

They have ads here for these automatic awnings that sound perfect for you. Then you can still have light in your house, and if you want shade for your deck you just push a button and it comes out. It's no terribly expensive.

January Child whowhatwhere ⋅ November 23, 2014

I was thinking of something like that but for some reason I thought it was really expensive? we're going to check it out anyhow... and there should be some pictures of the work so far on facebook :)

aussie_powers November 23, 2014


aussie_powers November 23, 2014

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