Been a long time in Everything

  • Dec. 9, 2014, 3:39 p.m.
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It’s been way to long, I keep meaning to write. Work is always busy and stressful, I suppose that’s why they pay me to come in everyday, otherwise I have my doubts that I’d keep going back. Today was a bit of a struggle to get going. There was a good freezing rain storm going on last night and into today. I have to go slightly uphill to get to my car in the parking lot and it just wasn’t happening. I kept sliding right back down, I waked the long way around to the other side of the parking lot and positioned myself so that I could slide, literally, into my car. Not that it mattered much, I did manage to pull out of the spot and slowly pulled forward and the applied the brakes, when I finally did come to a stop due more to gravity than the actually brakes, I turned the wheel and pulled into the closest parking spot and slid back inside. No way I was going to be able to get to work today. Worked from home today and have surprisingly been relatively productive. So a nice little work from home day today.

I am really going to try and write more, just not a lot going on right now, mostly planning. Charting a course.

Azrael December 10, 2014

Haha thanks for that! I have been missing AK and snow and the prettiness of it, but then I read that and remembered the reality of it and I don't miss is so much anymore!

Gurly239 December 11, 2014

My last "snow day" or day off I had due to weather was in school... we don't stop for anything here... I miss being a kid.

Deleted user December 16, 2014

That's okay, sometimes when there isn't anything to write about, I find a subject that I want to write about and it is relaxing to just write.

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