I Send My Best Regards from Hell in Magical Realism

  • Nov. 30, 2014, 6:12 a.m.
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Busy season is over. No more 100 hour weeks, no more planes, trains, automobiles. This is the time of year when the body takes over, and my mind hibernates. All I want to do is sleep, work out hard, swim, take baths, and sleep. A novel in the bubble bath, a glass of champagne, these are my welcome distractions. A prepares me elaborate salads, packed with nutrition, for lunch, or I eat smoked turkey and candy corn, because I just can’t deal with it anymore. I used to look forward to food and meals, so much. Now everything tastes like dirt. Sometimes I crave a hot meal just because I am so cold, but a cup of hot water and a cup of tuna does just as well.

Speaking of water, I go into the cold water, again and again. Similar to my full-throttle workouts, I can’t go into the sea this time of year without complete focus. Packing, preparing, stripping down in these temperatures to go into the cold water, it takes of all my mind. I appreciate that. So much. I’m failing at my swimming too, but not any more than anything else in my life right now.

The rest of the time, I continue to do stupid things. Music too loud. Lana, Marina, Paloma Faith on loop. I’ve watched the Taylor Swift “Blank Space” video 142 times and counting. I love Tove Lo but hear that “Habits” song and get a lump in my throat every time. Even the techno version. At the gym. Especially at the gym. Procrastinating on everything. Not encouraging but not discouraging the flirty messages from a dangerous stranger halfway across the globe. He says he looks forward to seeing me soon. I’m not sure if I even want to see him. I can’t handle anything complex, and he is beyond complicated. I show A the messages, his and mine, and I think the showing makes him more nervous than an omission would. But I’ve never hid this sort of thing and not about to start now.

At the same time, we (A and I) are overindulging in each other. I never write about this, and still not going into detail, but feel it’s important to note. After 14 years, our average is once a day, once every other day, sometimes twice on weekends or another lazy day. Lovely. Healthy. Everything else not encompassed in a neat adjective. But since September, it’s routinely been twice, sometimes three times a day. Routine is not the word…it’s involuntary almost. We wake up in the night to ravage each other, make each other late to work, etc. I cannot correlate this to my father’s death, or even my cancer diagnosis. It started two to three weeks prior to both, like a seismic shift. I’m not complaining, just observing.

Memorial dinner for my father and with everyone drinking a bit too much, it becomes apparent how much I am the black sheep in my own family. No, there’s nothing sordid I am hiding here, but that is just kind of indicative of how ridiculous it is that I am any family’s black sheep. Thanksgiving I am stone-sober at least, and it’s even worse. I can’t do this anymore.

On the plus side, I find some pictures of my paternal grandmother at the beach, the glamorous flapper/smoker/dead ringer of me when I was 13. I love the bathing costumes and seeing my own face reflected back through the mists of almost 100 years ago. I find out another story about yet another example of why my father was a ridiculous hero and when I research the details of the crime he solved, it explains a recurrent nightmare I had, for so so long. Don’t ever think kids don’t hear every word you say, even if you think they don’t understand. I was only 1 year old, 1 month, but apparently I heard.

Anyway. TL;DR - I’m messed up, but still functioning. I am still waiting for the other shoe to drop. Bad things come in threes? I did all my appointments and scans and everything is clear for now (thanks to everyone for their concern, I am not much of a rebel so only delayed what I was supposed to do by a week. I maintain I needed the extra time. The morning I went in for the result of my scan, I had a complete meltdown freakout moment of “What if this is the last time I can feel normal…before?” All the doctors are very concerned and (professionally) freaked out that it even happened to me in the first place. Me, myself, I think it’s unfair but am not surprised. If you ever told me, even a year ago, that I’d be a semi-professional athlete, in great shape, with sponsorships and free trips all around the world, I’d be thrilled. But right now with all that come to fruition, I am just maintaining.

Today I went to brunch and had fun with friends. On the way back I got perhaps the best pickup line I’ve ever had. (This probably only works for guys over 6‘5.)

“Isn’t it great to be tall?”

“Yes, yes it is.”

Last updated November 30, 2014

Red November 30, 2014


pandora November 30, 2014

You are so healthy and can do a lot of things that the average person simply won't, so I'm convinced you can beat this.

I'm so sorry, still, about your father. It's so tragic. Can you share a photo of your grandmother? I'd love to see it.

Re: you and A--wow. After 14 years, I'd say that's pretty spectacular. You both have quite active libidos, but knowing what I know about you, that's not super surprising!

Glad that your crunch is done and I am looking forward to more relaxing days on your behalf! Can you get away to a spa resort for a couple of days or anything? (Or will that make you want to shock yourself--ha.)

Ginger Snap November 30, 2014

I found this entry really interesting in that your "slower" time still involves lots of things that you are doing. Fascinating observations!

Bluesea November 30, 2014

Clear scans are good. This is a lot to deal with at one time. Take care of yourself.

nightborn November 30, 2014

It is crazy to me that you are the family black sheep. I mean... Really?

Glad to hear the scans were clear. I hope they continue to be clear and your poor forehead heals up fast.

Such a tough period in your life, both body and soul hurting. Lots of love from me to you.

Caty Shark November 30, 2014

I really liked this entry. There's a depth here that is compelling. You seem to be such a ...want to say fighter, but it's not really a combative thing. Relate to being the black sheep, not in a big way, but I do seem to be the one who doesn't quite fit. Are you the eldest?

Deleted user November 30, 2014

Sex is good! Yay for 14 years! Love Taylor Swift! Pop Country or whatever and in fact, I am listening to her "Fear" CD as I write :) If you need to sleep, take little naps, they help :)

noooncy. November 30, 2014

Sending much positive thoughts your way xo

LeftisRight November 30, 2014


Jigger December 01, 2014

You keep on being tall, and take good care of yourself. You're doing fine, considering what-all you're slogging against.

nowthat'salady December 01, 2014

In the peaks and valleys of life you're certainly in a deeper valley. I hope this slow down is restful and peaceful for you. So glad to hear you had a clean scan, I know you'll keep on top of it. And p.s. whoa, that's a lot of sex, I can't imagine.

Complicated Disaster December 01, 2014

Hope your life settles down soon! How tall are you btw? xx

dickson. December 01, 2014

Techno version of Habits?! No thanks, forever!

BlueEyedDevil December 02, 2014

Wow, daily after 14 years?? That's awesome. :) Also, I'm so glad to hear everything is clear for now, whew!

Deleted user December 02, 2014

Thinking of you. I wish there were appropriate words; but I can't find them. hugs

Athena December 03, 2014

I've been reading you for years obviously and this is the most intriguing entry of yours I've ever read. Something has shifted in you for sure. xx

Deleted user December 05, 2014

Sending you healing vibes and thoughts !

Soliloquy December 06, 2014

I relate to a lot of this. Some not at all. I am not sure how to articulate it so I won't. Just wanted to leave a mark here to say I feel you. Sort of wish it were like Facebook here, where I could just leave a "like" when I don't know what to say. :)

Satine Soliloquy ⋅ December 08, 2014

Always good to hear from you, and I get it. Hope you're well...

Readaholic December 07, 2014

Grief… can take so long… My FIL has been gone for over 10 years now… (heart attack) and I know it's still hard for the family… sending healing vibes to you...

Readaholic December 07, 2014

please add me if you'd like :-)

missing maui December 10, 2014

All the x's and o's that can fit on a page.

LotusButterfly December 10, 2014

After reading your last entry I came back to this one and feel so bad I did not read this sooner. I can be so self involved sometimes.

This makes me sad, I hate feeling you sad, I hate knowing it's been such a hard time for you. You are so strong, and so loved.

tranquil December 18, 2014

It shocks me that you could be the black sheep in your family since you seem so very accomplished in everything you do. I think you are a strong person and there is much to admire about you. I'm really sorry you are going through so much right now. (hugs)

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