A bit excited! in The start of something?

  • Nov. 8, 2014, 12:34 a.m.
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The big manager asked me on Friday to accompany her on Monday. I think a team leader is coming also....
Because we work with community groups and financial counselors, I think we’re going to speak to them about our program and what we can do to help these vulnerable customers. They in turn will get information about what we try to do with them once they’re handed over to us.
She said she wanted me to observe but I said i don’t mind speaking as well. She said I’d be asked lots of questions and I said that’s good!!!
I’m really pretty excited about doing this!!!
I haven’t told my colleagues yet. Not sure how to say it. I know one girl in particular is competitive with me. I HATE competition and am not even trying to climb the ladder!! I just want to do my job well.
Anyhow I’ll deal with that side of things as I have to.
Monday’s going to be an interesting day!!!!

I’ve been wearing my black running shoes to work as I walk everywhere all the time all day.. but Monday I’ll have to put some effort into looking a bit classier I think! At least, looking office like.
Right now, because I’ve lost weight, my pants are falling off me and I keep walking on the ends of them. I look really daggy.... I’m surprised she asked me considering that.. she didn’t even mention that I should probably dress appropriately on the day!

Tomorrow we have a huge family bbq at my grandfathers house. We're all bringing something to share. My sister and I have been put in charge of the fruit... should be an ok day I guess. 
My daughter is having her boyfriend come along so he's meeting a lot of the family for the first time. Big step!!! 
It was her birthday last Sunday and will be my son's birthday this Sunday. They're now 19 and 20. Can you believe it!!! I sure can't!!!

Went to have my eyes tested today and my long range is still good. Just need 3 point stronger reading glasses. I get them next week. That will be good.


Still walking and running up a storm!!!! I ate horribly this week though. Too many work functions on and too much chocolate around!!!!
Next week has to be better.....

ermentrude November 08, 2014

Oh wow, have a lovely time on Monday!! I think because your always put everything into whatever you do, even when you're not ladder climbing, you get noticed :-) x

caramelchicken November 08, 2014

Ooh that's awesome about your work:D I'm sure you still look great even if your clothes are a bit daggy!

whowhatwhere November 08, 2014

Good luck on Monday!

Complicated Disaster November 14, 2014

Ohhhhh! Good stuff!! xx

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