My job in The start of something?

  • Oct. 10, 2014, 12:54 a.m.
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You may remember that as of the 1st of November last year, I started a new position with the company I work for. Previously I had been in the call centre and HATED it. DETESTED it. I was part time and that was the only thing that made it bearable.

My new job with the company involves me dealing with our more vulnerable customers. I speak to Financial Counselors and customers who I’m case managing and helping to get back on their feet with their accounts. It’s a highly rewarding role and if I do say so myself, I’m very good at it.
My team leaders manager is the one who’s initiating my permanency. She authorised for me to get a $4000 bonus this year. A huge chunk of it went to the tax man but still, that’s a great bonus isn’t it!!! And that’s because they love my attitude and work ethic. I produce good results. I’m not a pushover… I’m firm but fair.

I’m not writing this to get a pat on the back, I just want to share how much I love my job and I think I have enough interesting experiences there that would warrant me writing about it here…
My company’s hardship policy is a FANTASTIC one and better than any other two bit company out there… so yes, we really can help… but you still get people who no matter how much you handout to them, want more.

My job is to get people who have been paying less than what they’re using, up to at least cover what they’re using… Sometimes I negotiate with them, sometimes with financial counselors. A lot of times I send them to a financial counselor.
Some people have no clue at all.

I started writing a story of a run in I had with a financial counselor this week but it’s too long really and I don’t want to be too specific with cases and what I do.

I hear so many sad stories… so many people are so happy I’ve called and feel like a burden has been lifted… others, like I said, call me a bitch and don’t think they should be paying anything…

My argument to them (in a nice tone always) is, “Would you go into a supermarket, get $100 worth of groceries, take it to the check out and say ‘I’ve only got 20 bucks so that’s it. I HAVE TO EAT!! I can’t give you anymore!’ and walk out?”

I don’t know why people treat their bills this way. It’s not like we make the debt up. THEY’VE USED IT! And yes prices are high but they’re high for EVERY FRICKEN ONE!!!! I pay bills too ya know! And we bend over backwards to help people… even paying into their debt…

Anyhow… maybe I’ll write a story or two in the weeks to come....

blackpropaganda October 10, 2014

That is excellent - glad things are going well

Complicated Disaster October 10, 2014

I'm glad you've found a role that is so rewarding! Xx

whowhatwhere October 10, 2014

YAY an entry!
I'm glad you are loving your job!

ermentrude October 10, 2014

I'm glad you're not going to have to go back to your old position. X

ElvenAssassin October 10, 2014

The entitlement of dome people is amazing. I'm so glad you're enjoying your job now!

Satine October 10, 2014

So glad you're doing something fulfilling and rewarding!

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