Alone time in Everything

  • Oct. 9, 2014, 12:06 a.m.
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I walked out to my car today after work, I sat down inside and let the warmth (from the sun hitting it all day) just surround me. It felt nice, silent and warm. Turned the key and shut off the radio and started on my way home. opened the sunroof to vent the air, it felt so good before but now I was feeling suffocated by it. On the way home I started thinking about how happy I was that I was going home, to an empty apartment. No one there, no one to break the silence, or to trouble me. Is that wrong? am I somehow broken? Shouldn’t I want to come home to someone? I cherish this time alone. I don’t think this bodes well for any future relationship I may find myself in. Which probably explains at least to some degree why I am not in one (it’s not just my charming personality that keeps the women away).
I see couples together, at the supermarket or restaurant or wherever, and some look truly happy, in love. But then there are those couples where one of them, usually the guy, looks dead inside, just a shell of a person. That scares the crap outta me because you know it didn’t happen overnight, that was a systematic, planned destroying of a person. Little by little, poor bastard probably didn’t even notice it was happening until it was too late.
Fuck that, I’ll just get a dog.

donut October 09, 2014

I must be broken, too, then, because I love being alone.

Deleted user October 09, 2014

I think at some point, you'll find a woman that you WANT to go home to. Not all relationships end up with the guy wanting to murder everyone in sight, and then off himself. Just the good ones. :)

Gurly239 October 09, 2014

I don't think you are broken. I'm married, and I LOVE spending time with my husband, but I also REALLY value my alone time... and I like that I'm the first one home after work and usually have 30-45 minutes alone before hubby gets home. And the evenings he's gone? I LOVE those evenings by myself... some people recharge by being alone, and others recharge by being with people... doesn't make anyone broken, just different.

cyndication October 09, 2014

There's nothing lonelier than being in a relationship with someone who makes you miserable.

Nothing wrong with solitude.

Chaosindreams October 10, 2014

red over red October 13, 2014

I also like my alone time. Some people,gain energy from interactions with others, and those enter actions are energizing to them. others find it draining and need their alone time to recharge the energy they lost. You just have to find another person who doesn't drain your energy, another person who also recharges on their own. The problem is finding people who recharge on their own is harder, because they probably want to be home alone instead of out meeting people.

Sweetinator December 03, 2014

Bull Mastiffs are great companions, quiet and lazy (at least once the puppy stage is over) they are not needy or bitchy at all.... I love my mastiff who needs anything more.

pbrman Sweetinator ⋅ December 03, 2014

And Mastiffs would scare the sh!t outta anyone breaking into your place!

Sweetinator pbrman ⋅ December 04, 2014

Yes in deed I have no worries when I take him on walks with me either lol

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