Fucking writing about this more than I want. in You want to stalk something?

  • Nov. 2, 2014, 6:10 p.m.
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NONSENSE NONSENSE NONSENSE NONSENSE NONSENSE. The real entry will start after this. I just never got any intel on whether or not the preview shows up when it’s friends only or not. NONSENSE NONSENSE NONSENSE. Fuck this shit is bothersome. I just want to vent a bit but fucking gotta type this nonsense up. Alright I think that should probably do it…One more line for insurance should definitely be good. Alright


So. I had the past like 5 days off of work. Did some cleaning and then Halloween movie marathon at my friends house. Watched 6 movies. Creature of The Black Lagoon, The Honeymoon (definitely a thing to watch, but don’t look anything up about it just go in completely fresh), v/H/S Viral....That was a romp. Then the next day watched Purge Anarchy, Some weird Musical horror movie called Stage Fright, and oh god what was the third…Whatever I don’t remember back to the point of this.

So over these days, it’s approaching about 7 months since we talked…her record is like eight months. And it’s infuriating me. Going from talking every day to her just ditching out like this? To messaging me a few times with something as fucking pathetic as just ‘hey.’ I mean shit maybe I was played like a full. However I believe I am far more perceptive than that. I just don’t get it. Like what the fuck was the point of whatever was between us when you go and do this shit again.

She’s bailed on me again. AGAIN! This is HIGH SCHOOL BULLSHIT AND it is just un fucking believable that it still pops into my head and I sit hear trying to think about what the fuck happened or how am I going to react when she inevitably tries to message me again. Personally I am super tempted to message her and be like what the fuck?

Like my Championship jersey?
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The picture that said shit like A man’s shirt over a woman’s naked body is like a flag over a conquered fortress. And let’s let the text do the talking
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From here I remember teasing her about the obvious bit of jealousy that was being shown.
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And had to specify that she wanted the one with my name on it. Now I won’t show the pictures she ended up sending of her wearing it along with that Queen of Hearts necklace, because it’s not my place to post pictures of her. Which....
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She apparently wanted for 3 fucking years. Oh and in another text she sent claiming that she never takes it off.
Funny how she got that shit a little bit before disappearing with this fucking psycho. To which I am sure she will try to claim that I wasn’t supportive or some shit like that. I spoke my piece about him being a god damn psycho and pointed out all the obvious red flags she was ignoring…which as I recall she acknowledged and agreed. But let’s just look at this shit that shows my support.

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(We both like Freaks and Geeks so…for some reason I’m the freak and she’s the geek..probably should be the other way around)
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She ended up saying the situation was weird to her.
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(HAHAHA Looks to me like she had to choose, and looks to me she made the wrong decision again.)

So clearly I supported her there. I don’t have the rest of that conversation but it consisted of me telling her how he seems to be a mostly good guy. (Before the red flags all kept shooting out.) But I told her that if he is cool with me then chances are he’s an alright guy, or he’s trying to play it off. Which clearly he was.

So during that time of them being a thing, at like some ridiculous hour she messages who? Him? or Me? Me.
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She was leaving a job she quite enjoyed and she was bothered because she was going to miss all the kids that were there. She messaged me…over the dude. Promising start. At an ungodly hour. I woke up and I fucking made her feel better. A couple hours later....
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She was talking about someone that could make her feel like I do…well did apparently.
The next morning:
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Awhile before that conversation and before she was really with that dude:
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Teasing her about cooking and then that? Even her fucking step-mother saw whatever it is/was…probably safe to say was at this point....between me and her.

I don’t remember when she sent this:
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At some point we got into an argument and didn’t talk for 2 weeks. It was about the dude that was clearly being a fucking asshole and I was probably expressing my frustration to the fact that she comes to me to fix her fucking relationship issues instead of fixing them with the dude. Shit like that. 2 weeks later:
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(that top part was the last thing said in the argument by me)
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Shortly my patience gets tested and I said something that made her think I was getting angry…I was.
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So I got to the point of turning it around on her.
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Eventually I lightened up a bit and we talked for a bit I think. But I was persistent that I needed more than this nonsense if me and her were going to be OK. Another situation where we were up at like 4 or 5 am from talking all god damn night…again.

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Conversation carries on for a bit....
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Anyway at some point I ended up getting a longer response than that nonsense she fed me and what not.
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Goes on a tangent and what not and so much for temporary.

How about a TBH thing? You know what those are. To Be Honest. This is one she ended up sending me.
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(Courtney was this chick that SHE invited over bc courtney was into me and really was very bad at taking the hint that I was interested in Her. (her being who this entry is about)
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(Jar Jar Binx…another fucking asshole I butted heads with and clearly he was trying to box with God when he tried to go up against me)
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(I got real mad and wrote that it was her fault in an entry…purely out of rage.)
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(Like I said I am fucking pereceptive)
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That fucking “titles” bullshit pisses me off. Titles ruin things? yeah well guess fucking what. You can’t not put a title on us and then go and do this title nonsense with obvious assholes, and then try to keep me at the same degree of close when you date some asshole. This whole thing about you not having to pick. You can’t not pick. I am too much to you for that. And for wahtever reason in spite of EVERYTHING…you always choose the fucking assholes. Then you inevitably come back and just expect me to be there with open arms? seriously? I am really curious as to if something clicked this time. If she realized that I unfriended her and deleted that app as saying I am fucking done. How about the last thing she sent to me that wasn’t hey? “I don’t expect anything from you but-” horse being put down information. And only attempts with Hey. I am super tempted to be like…wtf. What is this. Is this really where we are at…again? What the fuck happened? Was it him? Or was it you? Do you want out of whatever the fuck this thing was between us? Because here’s an idea....fucking just tell me. Don’t just go from us talking every god damn day to vanishing and then trying to message me once every couple months with ‘Hey’

God damnit I deserve better. I wanted to believe you deserved better and were better than that, but yet here we are again.

HAHAHA I just looked at her FB for…probably stupid unhealthy reasons, and apparently she was in a car accident…Totaled her car…and didn’t even tell me. Ha....Fuck that. Fuck her. This shit is enough. What the fuck. I just don’t fucking get it. How do you go from all of what we were…to this. I’ll give it until maybe my birthday…if I decide against that being the date....then New Years. If nothing changes…New Years will be the day that I fucking get my answers so that I can just throw this bullshit away and move the fuck on. Start a year actually fresh. God damnit. This bullshit.

I just have to endure and get over this nonsense. Come my birthday or New Years…I will be done. I will delete EVERYTHING I have in regards to her. And genuinely put this behind me. Depending on however it all turns out.

I guess I should say King out. Got work in the morning.
I really do want answers god damnit.


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