To the future of our lands in Voices Windward

  • Sept. 19, 2014, 1:52 a.m.
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When Scotland wakes up (if she even sleep tonight) They will be on the edge of real changes in their land.


YES: Celebrations take route and over the next two years preparations for the transfer will occur, There will be a roller-coaster of politics, in fighting, reformism and rebellion as Scotland confirms it’s political identity, for the first time in a great long while, the British isle will see a vote that is not for the keeping of a lofty removed 20% of the population but almost all the people taking a say, which at the end of the day, is the only way voting can ever be near true and honest,

NO: Passions will flare for a spell but the dream will live on, on both sides of an imaginary line plans and motions set in place, Westminster will have bought itself ten years at most with which to divided the nations power base and become representative of all the people of the UK, They may not do this, but you can hope. Either way Scotland will be at the gates watching and making certain it’s real change or walking away.

Elsewhere dreams of autonomy are becoming real, we have watched these past two years as violent revolutions have swept the world, now we see the start of peaceful sedition and separation, both here and elsewhere in the world. These two methodologies for the same goal must work together, not divide themselves into fifty absolutist factions but unite into a single popular front that says;

“We will no longer tolerate the total control of masters above us who seek only to take dominion over the people with financial greed and social constraints, we will removed their centralised authority and take ownership of our own lands, hearts and ideologies. We have no need for fascist and oligarchs removed and unkind.”

We’ve preached revolution for many years and eyed the rest of the world with wander as passion lead to action to change. I hope whatever happens we begin to see here in my homeland that revolution is possible, the tools we use may change, our methods diverse, but the dream of change, of working towards a better world, isn’t untenable, it is real and possible and happening.

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