Gonna Try to upload a photo or two... in Tea at the Cabin in the Woods

  • Oct. 3, 2014, 9:15 p.m.
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  • Public

Well, here goes nothing…alt text ANd it is a nothing! I have used photobucket for years - but for some reason it doesn’t seem to work for this sight. Am I doing something wrong?


whowhatwhere October 03, 2014

All the pictures I post on here are from photobucket. It is easy, honest!
First copy the junk that is inside the rectangle after HTML it should start <a href
Then, come to this page, and copy. It will just be a bunch of code, but when you go to save magic will happen and the picture will be there!

Just I do one picture at a time.

I hope that helped!

ermentrude October 04, 2014

^^^ what she said. X

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