* Breaking a Pattern * in Just Stuff

  • Sept. 26, 2014, 1:36 a.m.
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  • Public

Switch your wrist watch to the other wrist. Wear it this way all day.

Ask yourself,
What amount of time does it take for me to accommodate this new signal from
my other wrist and finally begin to ignore it “most” of the time?

What psychological aspects of my life are “new inputs” and are subject to
this same process of becoming inured to the dynamic? Would there be a long
term payoff to discovering how to slow this process or stop it entirely?

What secondary processes are affected by this switching? How often do I
look at the wrong wrist before I develop the new habit? How do I feel about
myself when I mistakenly look to the wrong wrist?

What part of me resists this experiment? Why does a “comfortable” pattern “argue” with me about this?

How many patterns do I have that I have never “gone against?”

How do most of them get “in there?”

If I could instantly erase any pattern I have by merely “wishing it away,”
how would I use that power right now to better my life?

How much wisdom do I have that I believe in my judgment of how I should
change? Am I that wise?


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