Real New Beginnings.... in The start of something?

  • Nov. 2, 2013, 12:02 a.m.
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I started my job on Friday the 1st of Nov. My first thought was total guilt... Guilt that it seems it's going to be wonderful!!! I had to go back to my old job to get my stuff and I saw them all hunkering down under that pressure and unrealistic expectations and false smiles and I just felt guilty!!!

I know I've only started the new job and it's not "real" yet but people have been there for YEARS. Nobody wants to leave so that's a good sign!! and I worked with a lot of them years ago so I know half the team up there!! We're on the12th floor and the view is magnificent!! and there is a total calmness about the place that I am not used to.

The first half of the day was training, then I sat with someone and watched how she applied what I'd just learnt and I'm pretty sure I'll find this nice and easy. The petitions are nice and high so you don't have to interact with people if you don't want to but there's such a nice friendly atmosphere up there.

I think I'm going to love it.

First text to hubby was "I think I've gone from hell to heaven"

The next life changer was my darling baby girl left for France. I came home from work and that disorganised mess of a girl wasn't even finished packing!!!! "Get cracking now!!!" I yelled.. haha...

We left with plenty of time and lucky we have hubby's connections at the airport because I was able to park RIGHT NEXT TO THE TERMINAL at no cost. Yessireeeeee that's a nice perk!

Her boyfriend, friends and her bio dad were there too... it's was a bit awkward with dad there but ah well, we all coped...

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Sad to say goodbye... that's her bio dad (NOT my hubby!) in the background

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I miss her so much already... she's almost about to land in Dubai....

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whowhatwhere November 02, 2013

Is that the view you shared on Facebook? I'm glad that it is so much better already! I don't think I have ever seen a picture of biodad.

January Child whowhatwhere ⋅ November 02, 2013

Yes I shared the view from my floor on facebook :)

ElvenAssassin November 03, 2013

You sound so happy! I'm glad you're finally in a good place!

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