October Begins in Magical Realism

Revised: 10/03/2014 4:14 a.m.

  • Oct. 1, 2014, 3:19 a.m.
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Two Fridays ago…yoga was good (I like the Friday instructor, a curvy actress type with a throaty voice and a slightly twisted sense of humor.) Went home and A had picked up white wine and fresh bread to make bruschetta with the fresh figs, lavender honey, and bleu cheese. The bleu cheese was so strong though, it made the whole thing taste like dirt. (I think it was a particularly pungent cheese, but every since I did that detox last year I’ve been off cheese and tomatoes, which I used to love. Bah.) So had one like that and then the rest were just balsamic, figs, honey and bread, toasted slightly in the panini press. (aka George Foreman grill.)

Saturday we got up pretty late, A asked me to go out looking for a mask for the party that night, so we took a walk downtown. It was hot and I meant to eat more than we did, which was a shared slice of pizza, but we ran out of time before I had to head uptown for a swim, so I snagged an apple and some juice to eat on the way. Big mistake. Huge. Got in the water and was feeling okay, good even, until mile 5 or so. I think it was a combination of not enough calories to support the exercise (bonking) and seeing that darn bridge for the last 2.5 miles. I know intellectually that the bridge never gets closer/further until you are under it, but that doesn’t help when mentally you are going through the depths of hell wondering why you’re not moving, even if you are. Finally I came to the marina and I was done. Back in the land of two-legged monsters. Saw lots of friends, got changed, then got the heck out of there. Had some food, then got showered dressed for an Egypt themed party. Party was okay, very neat venue but I just wasn’t feeling it. I’ve been out of sorts lately. We hung out a bit, shared a bottle of champagne, then went home to sleep. Sunday we woke up late, went to breakfast at our local diner, then went to open houses. Monday woke up early and went to 6am boot camp class. Worked from home, then had an appointment for hair color in early afternoon. Went into the office for a video-conference with Melbourne around 6pm, then met A for dinner.

Tuesday my friend D met me and A at our gym, and we did the battle ropes followed by yoga with my favorite instructor. It was a tough class but he did really well! There was a party with food and drink for gym members, so we showered and met up for wine/crudite/chocolate mousse. Hung out a bit which was so much fun, then walked him back up to his office in Tribeca. He had work to finish up but A and I went to a nearby tavern for some food and a beer. Walked home from there, trying to make the most of summer.

Wednesday was just a regular day at the office, I had to do some phone interviews for a new team member to replace a colleague who took another job internally. Headed to midtown for yoga and then battle ropes class, the instructor let us know the circuit class was being replaced by kickboxing. Um, no. So mad.

Thursday was a nice day with lots of people in the office, we went to lunch at Haru, and afterwards I went to Tabata protocol class then yoga. I don’t like to go to that class by myself since he has us do partner exercises a lot, but there was only one that time and it wasn’t too height or weight dependent so I asked another girl to pair with me and it was fine. (It is completely pathetic how much things like this stress me out.)

Friday was pretty uneventful at work, quite productive actually, then I left early to get a haircut. I did not go to my usual guy because he is pretty basic, does a nice job with highlights/cut I usually get, but wasn’t sure I trusted him to do a completely new style. I went to a girl Haley who I used to get blowouts from, she only does haircuts and I usually like to get color/cut done at once, but thought she’d be perfect for this since she always had cool, creative hairstyles with bangs. I went in, told her what I wanted, she was a little resistant until I told her why I wanted bangs cut. I was really nervous but ended up surprisingly really liking them. Walked out feeling good, came home and saw A, who was happy to see his “new” girlfriend.

Got dressed up and headed out for opening night of the New York Film Festival, the world premiere of “Gone Girl.” Here is the dress and hair:

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Movie was good, I know people really loved the book so I don’t want to give anything away but I think fans of book will like it. I love Ben Affleck and it was fun to see Tyler Perry in a “serious” role and NPH in a creepy one. They all looked great in person too. After the movie we took subway home, I think I read for a while and went to bed.

Saturday was early wake up time to head to Coney Island for a swim. Saw lots of friends which was really nice. Did the mile distance, with A for his first standalone open water swim! (He had done open water swims as part of triathlons before.) I did the swim butterfly with a swim friend and it felt really good.

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A is behind the large tan man with the beard:
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After the swim I got hosed off, dressed, and A came and met me in the waiting area. He got dressed and went back to the beach to watch the longer swims come in. They told us to come in for awards - my friend C called my name and I thought he was joking but I’d gotten 3rd female overall and 1st in my age group. Maybe I should always swim butterfly. A even got first place in his age group - I was so proud! Hung out for a bit, ate a sandwich, then took the subway home. Did some work, took a nap, had my last glass of wine for a long time, then went out for another screening at Lincoln Center. This one was “Map to the Stars” - very weird movie. Not sure I loved it, but it was interesting at least. A hated it. We went home, I read and drank water, went to sleep.

Sunday we woke up pretty early, had diner breakfast, then went to several open houses. There were two places I really loved, but I just don’t have the mental energy to even go through the offer process again right now. We got icecream at 16 Handles, groceries and got ready to start the week. I ended up doing work until very late Sunday night.

Monday I had to go to the hospital at 9am for the very uncomfortable removal of a skin cancer tumor from my forehead. I still am not sure what to say about this, but I probably should write about it, so I am forcing myself. It’s such a freak thing, I am the most careful person ever about the sun, but unfortunately on three of my channel swims I did get burned in a few small areas where suit/cap rubbed off my layer of zinc, and the tumor is right on the capline, so assuming that is what caused it. It took 5 rounds before it was all gone and then they stitched me up. I was thinking once they removed it all that would be the end of things (other than the lovely jagged three inch incision on my forehead, thankfully covered by new bangs) but unfortunately it seems to have gotten too deep close to nerves/lymph system so has risk of traveling. So this is going to be an ongoing thing for a while at least. Was late afternoon by the time they finished with me, so A and I walked to Central Park, sat on a park bench ate a salad, and walked home. It was a nice day, lots of little kids playing soccer on various fields. Lots of dogs out too. Went home and went to sleep.

Tuesday I was hurting but not too swollen/bruised, took Tylenol and worked from home since I couldn’t shower for 24 hours. Around 5pm A got home, I showered and blew out my hair, and we went out to see a screening of the Saint Laurent biopic. It was very good. Somehow every New York Film Festival movie we’ve seen this year has had at least one instance of male full frontal nudity. Last year I think the theme was bathroom sex, this year it’s definitely penises. Went home, went to sleep.

Wednesday I woke up very swollen but mostly on my right side of face (below the incision, I guess the local anesthetic travels down and swells the face as it works itself out) but went into the office. Busy morning, then in the afternoon I had another appointment, this time with an oncologist. He basically said there are tests I need to have done after am recovered from the surgery, so I should have more tests and discuss treatment plan next month. I am trying to put it out of my mind for now. After the appointment we walked through the park again, then went home. I zonked out. Woke up around 9pm and we headed out to a concert at Webster Hall. We got there just in time for the opening band was Linus Young, they were okay but the headliner, Tove Lo, was truly awesome. Sang all of her (wonderful) songs, danced around, had great stage presence. I wasn’t in the mood but I was still completely enchanted. Walked home, Empire State Building a lovely lilac color, then did some work and went to sleep.

Woke up this morning, Thursday, both sides of face swollen now. Showered, blowdried, put on a cute dress and went to work anyway. Today I will go to sleep early but have a work trip I have to fly for tomorrow. Luckily just an in-and-out, but I just don’t wanna. I can’t swim, I can’t drink, I can’t work out, who am I?

Last updated October 03, 2014

BlueEyedDevil October 03, 2014

Omigosh, so many comments for this! 1) LOVE the Egypt party getup, but not as much as I LOVE the new hair and that dress for the premiere, wow!
And the tumor, ugh! I know you're probably making it sound less serious here than it really is, but has the cancer spread yet or is that what the tests are going to determine? I'm keeping good thoughts for you that it was all knocked out with the surgery. :/

Leslie Bruce October 03, 2014

I LOVE your new hair style. It really suits you! I'm glad to hear that Gone Girl was a good movie. I like the book... kind of. The ending made me mad!

kashka October 03, 2014

I LOVE the new hair, but hate the reason for it. I hope you make a speedy recovery and that all future tests are nothing but reassuring.

Red October 03, 2014

Add me to the lost of those who dog the bangs but not the reason for them.

dickson. October 03, 2014

But kickboxing sounds fun! I would loveeeeeee to do kickboxing. Love your dress so hard.

Deleted user October 03, 2014

Bangs look great on you!!! Even though the reasoning for them stinks. I'm sorry to hear about all of that, but I think your approach is great- go to appointments and see what needs to be done and go from there. Although the no wine, no swimming and no working out thing makes me sad; I know how much you enjoy/rely on exercise and how much you enjoy a nice glass of wine.

Deleted user October 03, 2014

LOV E the dress. Where is it from? You must tell us these things! So sorry about nasty medical stuff.

Satine Deleted user ⋅ October 03, 2014


LeftisRight October 03, 2014

I love your hair - all of it!

Sorry to hear about the skin cancer. HUGS

QueSeraSera October 03, 2014

i think someone having an egyptian theme party is pretty cool! sorry it was so so for you. i must say you look absolutley STUNNING in that picture. love love the dress and your hair looks amazing. truly- you look spectacular. sorry to hear about the skin cancer but its great you went to look into it and address it. maybe for a little while take a break while you heal? i know you are always (IMO) on the go- maybe catch up sleep , books, photography, meditating? etc.
be well. xxx

QueSeraSera October 03, 2014

ps the YSL movie i think i started watching on the plane. it was good huh? i have to check it out again as i never finished it.

Satine QueSeraSera ⋅ October 03, 2014

This is really strange but there were actually two YSL biopics that came out this year (kind of like the Truman Capote thing year) - this was the second, unauthorized one. I haven't seen the one you saw but this one was good!

QueSeraSera Satine ⋅ October 05, 2014

you know. you are right. i think the one i started watching the time period was much earlier (maybe 50s) working at dior and was in french. i am not sure what happened but i stopped watching. i will check out both films! i love watching most films fashion related. :)

echopod October 03, 2014

The bangs look awesome!! You're in my thoughts. Cancer is bad enough but anything on your face...so much worse. :-(

echopod October 03, 2014

That sounded rough. I mean that I think you read all my stuff about my face on OD, so I get that part. It's just different.

Satine echopod ⋅ October 03, 2014

Not at all, you may be one of the few folks that probably understand, I do remember everything you went through.

How are you doing? I miss hearing about your goings on...hope everything's going well. xx

Jigger October 03, 2014

"Last year I think the theme was bathroom sex, this year it’s definitely penises. Went home, went to sleep." This is a most excellent sentence-pairing.

You look wonderful, whatever the reason for bangs. What a hell of a thing. How soon until you can work out and drink and swim? Because, damn.

Deleted user October 03, 2014

You look great but I know the removal is hanging heavy on your mind. Sending prayers and good thoughts your way !

nowthat'salady October 03, 2014

Man. I am so sorry to hear about that skin cancer tumor. I'm also shocked given how diligently you seem to protect your skin. Hopefully it was caught early and it sounds like you have a good plan and team taking care of business. I'll be thinking about you and sending positive thoughts your way.

I must say though, your bangs look awesome! Very chic and they go so nicely with your face.

One of my faves is figs with goat cheese, pistachios and fig balsamic. Yum-O!

Deleted user October 03, 2014

hope you'll have a speedy recovery and will not need elaborate follow up treatments to get that under control. you're always so careful with sunscreen! :/ I'm sorry you have you face this. Thoughts with you!

Deleted user October 03, 2014

PS: I love your dress and it rocks together with your new hair style. I never can wear that sort of dresses, they just keep falling down. :) looks great on you!

LotusButterfly October 03, 2014

I understand why u didn't write about the tumor before. Writing things and having people comment on them makes them real, but on the other hand having something like this and your feelings about it bottled up sort of defeats the purpose of having a diary. I will not say much in order no to make it uncomfortable for you, except- I am sending you good vibes, and I am proud of you for continuing to LIVE as much and best u can during all this.

You look absolutely gorgeous with that dress- the haircut is rockin'! I have had that Gone Girl book sitting there for a while and haven't read it. I do, however, look forward to seeing all the penises!! LOL muak! xoxo

Deleted user October 03, 2014

eww, pukey dirt cheese.

it's crazy that you're so careful about the sun and it still happened. that's really unfair. i won't get all mushy but i'm thinking of you.

oh and i love bangs. but i have them too (because of my fivehead) so maybe i'm biased.

pandora October 04, 2014

I will have a couple extra glasses of wine this weekend for you. I'll even throw in some prosecco.

I am really sorry to hear about the tumo(u)r. I hope that they got it all and everything is okay. I guess when you're in the sun/water as much as you are, it's tough even when you're diligent with protection. It's a shitty reason for a haircut, but honestly, your blonde bang cut is superb, like totally smokin'! I love how they're not that blunt, how they're longer towards the sides and only kind of in your eyes. Perfection!

Deleted user October 04, 2014

YOU are STUNNING in the picture! I love the dress - the whole look is super fab! I am getting bangs soon, love them! The butterfly stroke is so hard - Go you!!!

sarahbaby. October 04, 2014

3rd female overall? You're a machine! Congrats!

I'm glad you're putting the cancer from your mind... You're dealing with it and that's all you can do, no point in having it consume your mind. But thanks for telling us about it -- I'll send cancer-banishment thoughts your way. It's so weird -- you are the most careful person I know when it comes to the sun -- I guess you've always kind of known you're super extra sensitive to it.

sarahbaby. October 04, 2014

Also, ps, that hair is fantastic.

Bluesea October 04, 2014

Oh no! I hope you are in the clear and have a quick recovery. You look great with bangs and I love that dress. Congrats on the wins for you and A at the swim!

dancerd October 06, 2014

I love your new haircut! Sending warm thoughts your way. I hope everything goes well for you.

Miso Honey October 06, 2014

You look AMAZING! Wow!

Congrats on the swimming results!

Wishing you a speedy recovery. hugs

nightborn October 07, 2014

I need to start doing more yoga. My gym has great classes and I never seem to make it...

You look STUNNING in that dress. And those bangs! I love it.

Big, giant hugs honey. I know you've always gone above and beyond to protect your skin - I do the same no matter how much people mock me for my whiteness. Hang in there. Sending love and positive thoughts your way.

January Child October 10, 2014

You look amazing!!! Love your hair!
I loved "gone girl". I hadn't read the book though so I wonder what my thoughts would have been if I'd read the book. I've heard it's supposed to be different? Anyhow, lots of good talking points came from the movie that's for sure!!

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