New Diet in Tea at the Cabin in the Woods

  • Sept. 14, 2014, 9:29 a.m.
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Hubby was told by his Dr. to take a class at the hospital and to do a medically supervised diet to help control his diabetes and heart condition. I have an extra 35 pounds on me which hasn’t come off since the chemo - so we decided to do this together. It’s called “Fast & Fit” and we started it Thurs. evening with our first class and began the diet on Friday. It consists of drinking 4 - 5 meal supplement shakes a day and dinner. The shakes are okay - hard to figure out when to drink them…and the dinners are very prescriptive. We will do this for 4 weeks and on the 5th week breakfast will be introduced again. Of course this comes right when the garden is at it’s peak harvest.. This means daughter and her friends are going to get a lot of veggies and fruit. (Fruit is off the diet until week 5) All my melons are going to the kids… I am bummed about that but will be happy when the weight comes off.

I had picked wild grapes to make jelly, but I am afraid if I make it, I will want to eat it and that isn’t allowed…

There is a frost alert for this evening. I will have to figure out how to cover the garden since I can’t possibly bring all that in… I filled 1/2 the truck bed with produce yesterday and there must be at least 1-2 bushels of tomatoes still on the plants, a peck of peppers, a dozen eggplants, and who knows how many squash… There are still ears of corn not quite ready to pick. We only have 2 pumpkins this year out of 5 hills, not sure what happened there… The potatoes and carrot, Brussels sprouts and cabbages can all weather the cold. I don’t think the swiss chard or basil will… Sometimes I feel like a farmer. :-) So I need to gather up some old sheets and blankets to cover what I can. My neighbor, the one who I share the garden with, is in Japan for the next 10 days or else I’d have some help with this. I hope the weather report is wrong and the frost stays away until after she gets back so she can help. Oh well, that’s life in the country I guess.

I really enjoyed having my son here for a couple days. It didn’t feel like I got much time with him since I had to work and he had concerts with many admirers surrounding him. We are going to Texas to see him in Oct. and the band has a show the night we arrive. He said that may be the only one while we are there. He also knows we are on this diet and promised to help us stick to it. HE can so sweet. Daughter is going with us. The plans were made before she even knew her Boyfriend. IT will be nice to have the family together again. I hope they all don’t get under each other’s nerves. I suppose that is every mother’s fear.

Well, I better go harvest the herbs and get some of the tomatoes picked as I cover the rest of them up. Wish me luck.

raeven September 14, 2014

Good luck with the diet.. it's a shame that your fruit/veggies can't be consumed.. people are having a lot of luck with heart disease and diabetes by eating a very low fat, plant based diet..
There is also a bariatric dr named Dr. Garth Davis (you can find him on facebook) who is very, very informative about fruit/whole grain carbs/veggies and diabetes/heart disease..

CaptainAwesome September 14, 2014

You really do sound like a farmer. I love fresh vegetables and my family likes fresh fruit, but I don't garden. I don't have the time I guess or at least the desire. I just let my dad give us stuff lol. Good luck with the diet.

raeven September 14, 2014

Here's a link to a 3 week kickstart diet that many people have found really helpful.. promise I'm not trying to get you guys to be vegan.. I have just heard so many people sing the praises for the health benefits for diabetes/heart stuff

bookbean September 14, 2014

raeven's right. You guys don't want to be having shakes for meals long-term. Plant based is the way to go!

ermentrude September 14, 2014

It sounds positive! Those kinds like to creep on without letting you know don't they!x

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