Be Careful What You Ask...Who You Ask in QUOTIDIEN

  • Sept. 14, 2014, 1:51 a.m.
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For a writer, there is no such thing as a yes or no answer to: You okay?

-Woke around 8, and just lazed in bed until nine. Beautiful morning. Threw open all the windows and invited in this awesome autumn air - listening to music and nature. I am in my element - and feeling more like myself than I have in ages.
Life is loving me and I am loving life.

-What brought this on?

-Oh, I don’t know. I’m soaking in bubbles, right now, then planning on coconut oiling my body! Pampering is something I haven’t indulged in much, but I think I can get used to this. I should have been taking care of myself this way long before now.
I am remembering this part of me - a vague memory, but one that is gaining in strength. So…THIS is joy! Hallelujah

Deleted user September 14, 2014

Your first line us so very true.

middle age pearl September 15, 2014


Deleted user November 16, 2014

Pampering is necessary !

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