Several entries at once in QUOTIDIEN

  • Sept. 21, 2014, 1:38 p.m.
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From my private journal:

September 15th (the day before one of our anniversaries):

For all my strength, and for all my pragmatism, there are moments like right this second, where the waves of sadness over-take me. Just when I start to believe that the worst is over, the ocean of life is quick to put me back in my place-in her cold embrace.
I can honestly say - this isn’t about my husband, who no longer knows suffering. What I’m experiencing is based in selfishness - all negative connotations aside.
It’s the loneliness. By nature, I am an extrovert. People are my fuel. My life-companion, my soul-mate is gone and I am left with this huge, gaping hole, and I’m leaking energy everywhere.
Beautiful words spoken by a loving friend were helpful and gave me hope that this loneliness is not forever etched in stone.
I am really trying hard to embrace my current situation, and enjoy those few luxuries I’ve noticed to be exclusive to singles....
And I’m going to throw in a but....
But, right now, I’m withering.
So, I’m heading to the gym tonight because…endorphins. Because I’m lonely, and because I could use the distraction.

September 16:
It was NOT a good night. I soon realized in the short hour I was at the gym, that I’d moved beyond sadness and into disappointment, and impatience at what I considered to be ‘weakness’. Angry and impatient are NOT good places to be when you’re working out.

I shortened my cardio - headed for the weight machines, almost doubled up on weights (working lower body), and increased by 1 set of 15. When I realized that I was punishing myself rather than working through the sadness - I stopped, hit the showers and headed home.

Through meditation this morning, I came to the rational conclusion that my strength is not defined by how few times I fall…but by the number of times I get back up, again.


September 20:

Anne-Marie is in love. His name is AJ, he is an academic whiz and respectful. :)

Dropped them off at the mall yesterday, then headed to the gym. After Monday’s grueling punishment (because in the truest sense of the word, it was) - I took a 5 days off and settled for stretches at home.
On my first day back - 45 minutes cardio, HIIT for 15 of those....and the sauna for 10 minutes. The best part is that my body - my heart - responded quickly and appropriately to my demands. When I stopped pushing, my heart followed suit. I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly a muscle can learn and regain health.
I walked away taking full breaths, shoulders and hips in line. My walk was easy and relaxed - and my skin felt electrified. It was euphoric. I could be tempted to say that my sense of well-being was entirely due to endorphins which I’m sure played their part, but the feeling persists this morning.

This picture was taken at the end of January ‘14:
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This picture was taken hours after my last workout, yesterday:
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Last updated September 21, 2014

GypsyWynd September 21, 2014

You're looking good!!

ODSago September 21, 2014

The difference in the two pictures is readily apparent. I'm 8 months into my being a widow and hear a lot of stories from others about that first year they lost a spouse, which is because I belong to group of about 500 members who meet weekly at the local university. It's factually a common loss but so different in each person's experience of the loss over time. I can see the gym is great for you, and of course we store our feelings, emotions, etc. in our bodies so working out should be great therapy.

middle age pearl September 23, 2014

You are looking very fit and slimmer. Love your current hair style.
Yes, it is a rollar coaster and you prepare for the "expected" but are caught off guard by the unexpected which sometimes sets you back a bit, however, you regain ground and march forward. Hug yourself and let you know that you are doing a remarkable job cause you are!! God Bless

Deleted user November 16, 2014

You look beautiful in both pictures but you are so thin now ! Don't lose anymore !

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