Garden Porn, but he thinks I shouldn't use that term.... in Tea at the Cabin in the Woods

  • Aug. 19, 2014, 6:21 p.m.
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My niece asked me to post some good old "Garden Porn" of the garden I share with my neighbor. I put about 10 photos on facebook and got some nice comments but Hubby thought I should have never used the term, "Garden Porn." IN my head I was puzzled but thought I should just be quiet and listen. He went on to explain that it could be misinterpreted and could cause me trouble at work. Now the President of the college is also a gardener so I am curious as to how this could come back and bite me in the arse... I don't say anything and continue to cut the corn away from the cob as he continued. "I'm not scolding you or anything, but you have no idea the backlash..." Really?

Get real.

whowhatwhere August 19, 2014

Oh, you know the rumor mill will start up. Just show the president the huge cabbage and all will be forgiven.

ermentrude August 20, 2014

Ha ha! I sometimes put links on Facebook to Spanish house porn, i.e. houses I would like to buy there! Lol x

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