Are animals a non-issue? in My this and that

  • Sept. 3, 2014, 10:45 a.m.
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You know what really grinds my gears? When people believe the life of an animal is above the life of a human.

My facebook feed is FLOODED with people advocating for animals. “This animal was beaten! The person who did this deserves to die!” Come on now, that doesn’t even make sense. We don’t even kill humans who beat humans!

If you want to advocate for a helpless animal, that’s great, it’s commendable. Do what you can for those who are helpless and need others to be their voice. But what about the babies dying at the hands of abortionists? Who is being their voice? What about the poor who you walk by on the street corners? Are you helping them too? What about the woman, child, boyfriend who is being beaten? Are you seeking them out to help them? Aren’t there lives so much more valuable than that of an animal?

And you say that a person who abuses an animal should be put in prison for the rest of their lives. Sure, punish them, but think about it first. People, every person in the world, has the ability to change. Not even animals have that ability… once a feral animal, always a feral animal. But a person’s heart can change. I’ve seen it happen, where lives are completely turned around.

And don’t think you’re exempt from punishment. Perhaps you’ve never beaten an animal, perhaps you’ve never killed a person, perhaps you’ve never stolen anything from the store… but have you lied? Have you been prideful? Have you turned your back on another person who needed you? That’s all sin. And to God, sin is sin… it all takes the same amount of forgiveness. Whether it was murder, or a “little white lie” Christ came to DIE to wash away that blemish from our hearts. To God, one sin is not greater than another.

So before we go condemning our fellow human brothers and sisters for an act that you find atrocious, just stop for a moment. Sure, there does need to be consequences for actions… but are their actions so much worse than our own?

Anyway… I’m not all for beating an animal, or abusing it… I just want people to stop focusing on the small issues which blind them to the real issues. Satan works in many ways, and I seriously think this is one of them. He makes us so busy with these kinds of things so that we won’t be effective against him against the real issues… Sounds like a conspiracy theory, but I really believe it.

Deleted user September 03, 2014

I know this is your diary for your opinions, so I hesitate to respond. But I think cruelty to animals is a large issue, and worthy of someone's time and energy. Those other issues are important also....I've never understood people getting upset over someone's compassion for animals.

Gurly239 Deleted user ⋅ September 04, 2014

I definitely have compassion for animals as well (I mean I foster humane society animals and everything)... what bother's me is the incredibly harsh condemnation, and the words spoken that seem to say that an animals life is valued above a human's.

Deleted user September 04, 2014

I agree, I agree, I AGREE!

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