Write Writer in Meeting Mr. Jesus Christ

  • Aug. 14, 2014, 9:06 p.m.
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On my mind for some time has been a push toward the commitment to write on a regular basis again. Sadly, it is not making much headway. Generally I am too tired or just find myself not terribly willing to collect my thoughts, a selfish decision on my part. Along the way in the past few months I let myself be seized by several comments regarding my being "too religious", which included being judgmental and opinionated. I took time to consider the basis for such statements.

I'm back after a lengthy pondering of the notes left. It seems to me I will spend the rest of my life changing, hopefully growing, but forever with people who agree and others who disagree with me. At the end of the day I need to lay my head to rest after my prayers and know I'm on good terms with my Lord, or at the very least working to better myself. Once again it took me a spin with my self-worth to realize I'm not here to please anyone but the good Lord himself, and that is what I do my best at and desire the most to do. Anyone else who finds them self at odds with who I am needs to step back and move on. I have a life to live, with or without you.

With that little rant out of the way I come to think of my neighbor, Shirley. She is such a dear soul. Pray for her with me. She is eighty years old and has had pneumonia three times this summer, it's beginning to take it's toll on her. I just met her a few months ago, and it is selfish to think, but I want to have her around for a good while longer. I think she may be my Radical Believer, if you know what I mean.

I am still looking for a partner to share prayer concerns with and do a regular and focused Bible study. All summer, probably longer, I have prayed for and watched for a woman to become a study, prayer and accountability partner with. So far I am still on watch. Tis a dry season at this time, a bit lonely too. I keep in the Word and continue to ask God to fill these places in my life. Of course I don't know why He hasn't answered yet, I know He will. My faith is secure, though I have short moments I find myself contemplating grumbling in my tent. I stop that line of thinking remembering what happened to those who grumbled against Moses and God after the many good things He had done for the Jews.

My day goes on, it is a good one. I simply don't have all the answers. God goes before me, preparing my path. I need only to stay focused with my head up and a grateful heart. Everything else will take care of itself. Amen!

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Deleted user August 14, 2014

Agree with Saving Barbie. They can just not read what they don't like or what doesn't interest them. I will be honest with you and admit I'm not religious and have zero to little faith in God. BUT... just because others may be different is no reason to pick on them as long as they're not trying to cram it down the throats of others. Hearing the same old subjects from some people may get old, but it is otherwise harmless, isn't it? :)

Spirit Song August 15, 2014

I love your writings, and I love your faith! So please keep writing! I am binding my faith with yours for Shirley's healing, and I sense the enemy may be at work here. Perhaps she IS your radical believer and the enemy is trying to block that. Whenever two or more are gathered together....... well you know. You know what power there is in corporate prayer and corporate faith. Praying faithfully for you, friend, that God will lead and direct you and order your steps.

crystal butterfly August 15, 2014

Said a prayer for Shirley. The Shirley in my life is one of my best friends. She is just out of the hospital and rehab center for the first time in 2 months. She is 79. And perhaps the people who think you are too religious really need to pay heed to the entries they don't want to read. The Lord may be speaking thru you to them. I know He speaks thru you to me.

Tuff e Nuffy September 03, 2014

I feel your frustration. Sometimes God seems so far away. He never moves. It is always I who moves and I look back and He usually shows me why. Lately it has been my tithing. Long story but I have to find a way to get back into giving. Sometimes we don't like the direction the church is going financially. But when we give, it is up to Him how to use it. I struggle with waste. So I know where you are coming from and this is only one issue. So lets pray for one another.

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