Flash Friday 8-23-14 How did I get here? in Flash Friday

  • Aug. 23, 2014, 8:52 p.m.
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“Did you cry in my beer?”

“Why do you ask? Would it comfort you to know I was as fucked up as the rest of y’all? Well, I’m not.”

“Nope. Just optimism. Tastes like bodily fluids. I was hoping for tears. I guess it’s comforting to know you’re not as fucked up as me though. I pissed in your beer.”

“Oh. Huh. Do you believe in heaven and hell?”

“Sort of, yeah. I mean I don’t know what the places look like or who’s there, but I believe there are consequences for this life.”


“You peed in my beer didn’tja?”

“Maybe, that’d mean we are our own consequences.”

“Shit I knew it.”

“It’s Coors. I didn’t think you’d be able to tell the difference.”

“Yeah … well … you have a point. Just one. You lost points on the whole not being as fucked up as the rest of us.”

“I would have if money exchanged hands, symbolically, I mean if I was trying to sell it and you were buying it.”

“No, no, no. Life is not like cricket or bowling, you can’t just make up the way you keep score as you go along. You don’t get a point for admitting you lost a point.”

“Ok, pee-breath.”

Flash Friday Community Page: https://www.prosebox.net/book/242/
New prompts: Milk & Honey

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