We've had the Romance of the Century... in Magical Realism

Revised: 08/27/2014 9:51 a.m.

  • Aug. 26, 2014, 2:45 p.m.
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Last Sunday we went to open houses - saw a place I loved, then went out on a mini-bender through the East Village. Great use of time.

Woke up at an ungodly hour on Monday, chatted with a far-away friend, worked from home. Did not work out. Did not do anything really.

Tuesday was back to normal - worked downtown, rowing class, my favorite yoga afterwards.

Wednesday was another good day - worked, headed uptown for vinyasa yoga, then the HIIT battle ropes circuit course. Very good workout. Showered and met A for sushi.

Thursday I worked from home since no one was going to be in the office, then met former diarist [Cat] at her hotel for a drink and High Line tour. It was a lot of fun. I tried to convince her to join Prosebox, but I don’t think it’s going to happen. She is doing well though, which is the most important thing. Somehow we always seem to meet up at inflection points in our lives, she is definitely someone I’ve been glad to know over the years.

Friday was a busy day at the office. Had a lot of meetings, including my end of year meeting. I got some very nice feedback plus a raise and a bonus so left work feeling good. Went to yoga with my second-favorite instructor, she is a lot of fun and doesn’t let us get complacent on a Friday evening which is nice. Showered afterwards and went for a drink and a bite at Cherry I kept it simple with a sake-tini (russian standard, sake, and cucumber) and A got a noisette (buffalo trace bourbon, soba tea, walnut bitters.) I had the lobster sushi roll which was rice and lobster with dehydrated orange and creamy sansho and A did the yellowtail jalapeno roll. After that we went to Pierre Loti for dinner and jazz. Very low key but nice.

Went home and straight to sleep before our wake up call at 4am on Saturday. Bah. Got sunscreened, packed, and took a cab to Coney Island for a swim. A volunteered at check-in/home base while we took the boats out and swam a 5k back. I was stroke for stroke the last 2 miles with another girl, but ended up pulling ahead of her at the end and coming in first! Found out later that she is an alum of my same undergrad swimming program, started a year after my sister graduated so 10 years younger than me. I was kind of chuffed, I have to admit. Maybe I am getting faster in my old age. Had a lovely lovely breakfast after and reconnected with two of my swim buddies from the Argentina trip. Good stuff. Here are some photos from the swim exit:

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After that we went home, took a nap, A was zonked so I went to yoga, then came home and got washed up to go out. I had a brand new dress from the Roland Mouret collection for Banana Republic, plus a cute little purple veil with purple lipstick. I hadn’t shopped at Banana for ages, all of their stuff lately had been so played out, plus horrible vanity sizing to the point where I couldn’t order online anymore. But their Roland Mouret collection is amazing - fantastic lengths, accommodates my bust, and doesn’t gape at the hips/butt like everything else in the world. I bought most of the collection because his normal prices are way too high.

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We went out to a Shanghai Mermaid party at the Norwood Club - it’s a private club right in our neighborhood so was excited to attend. The rooftop area was cute but very small, and there were many floors all filled with interesting furniture and art. I was happy to check out the space and get out for a bit but wasn’t amazed by the overall event, could have just been my mindset thought. Went home early a bit after midnight.

Woke up on Sunday, walked to do some errands, went to another open house, then met my mom for brunch at Rustico. She is so cute.

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Monday I had an event in midtown so I did that in the morning, then walked crosstown to have sushi lunch with A, then went downtown to the office. Worked until later than usual, then went home. Ate some turkey with green apples, read a bit of The Goldfinch, and went to sleep.

Tuesday was uneventful, went to work, did the rowing circuit class, then yoga with my fave teacher. A made us grilled tilapia with salad including veggies from my mom’s garden. Yum!

Today yet another apartment purchase has fallen through, spectacularly, yet again. Can anyone guess what happened? Here’s a hint, three words, ALL CASH BUYER. Gah. I have given up hope of buying a new place until I have almost a million dollars liquid because apparently that is what you need to buy in NYC these days. Ugh.

In related news, yesterday was the 350th anniversary of NYC. Happy birthday to my one true love!

Last updated August 27, 2014

~Mrs. O~ August 27, 2014

I love meeting up with faves...I've met 9 so far about to meet another in October, can't wait!

Congrats on your raise and bonus, so awesome!

Great pics, I love the one of you and your Mom!

Seriously, where do these people get all this CASH from?!

pandora August 27, 2014

How is The Goldfinch so far? I was about to start it, but decided it was too heavy to carry in my purse, so am waiting to read it at the cottage this weekend. Just finished Me Before You and The Fault in Our Stars.

LOVE the purple veil, I never thought I'd be able to wear one again post-wedding but you just convinced me that I can. Your mom IS adorable, and so are you--you are smokin' hot in that pic!

Satine pandora ⋅ August 27, 2014

asos.com has had really cute veils and headpieces and things lately!

Goldfinch is okay so far, I am having the same problem where I can't take it with me anywhere. I am going to take it to the beach for after my sunrise swim on Friday and devour it then, will keep you posted :)

sarahbaby. August 27, 2014

That dress is beautiful. Checking out BR right now!!

sarahbaby. August 27, 2014

Also, amazing that you came first! You really are a star!

nightborn August 27, 2014

This entry made me crave sushi.

Your mom is adorable. I love that picture of you two.

How incredibly frustrating... these cash buyers! I'm sorry. I just do not get where people are getting this money - must be parent/family money. It would have taken me forever to save that up. It makes me glad I actually rejected the cash buyer offer on my old place and went with someone who was in a similar financial situation to ours and putting down 20%.

Satine nightborn ⋅ August 27, 2014

I love that - if I sell my current place I think I would do the same. Honestly the difference in timing is not that different, and I would rather not have an entitled brat living in my place all other things being equal!

nightborn Satine ⋅ August 27, 2014

Yep. In my case it was a mid-twenties girl whose parents were buying her a place, vs an engaged couple around our age with somewhat similar income who had clearly been saving up and made it clear they wanted the place badly. Easy choice.

BlueEyedDevil August 27, 2014

All cash buyers are the bane of my existence. :(

Homebird August 27, 2014

Yet more reasons to wonder at your awesomeness in the past couple of entries! Huge congrats on Argentina - what an amazing achievement! And also wow to coming first in Coney Island! (and I love the fact that A volunteered for it, ye are such a fabulous couple!). And then we have the bonus, raise, smoking dress photos, calling NYC home and A's general fabulousness - if I didn't love you so much I might have been a little jealous, but seeing as a I love you, I am just thrilled to call you a friend :) x

Deleted user August 27, 2014

your Mom is so pretty! I can see where your looks come from :) Nice dress! You are very photogenic. Love the beach pictures...made me want to go and feel the sun and hear the surf. We are supposed to have 12 foot waves today in La Jolla.

Mercurial Muse August 27, 2014

I love the Roland Mouret collection of Banana Republic.

Jigger August 27, 2014

I love reading about your goings and doings. And swimmings. And sushi.

Now I want sushi.

nowthat'salady August 27, 2014

Goldfinch has been one of my favorite reads so far this year. It's long but a page-turner.

Your mom is indeed cute. Great picture of you two!

Bluesea August 27, 2014

Congrats on coming in first! You and your mom are both cute.

sarafina August 27, 2014

I just recently gave a presentation at work regarding the increase of cash buyers within the NYC area- it's becoming a major typology in the AML world...mostly overseas buyers who never even look at the property in person before purchasing :/

Miso Honey August 27, 2014

Congrats! Woot!

Also, the Roland Mouret BR collection is amazing! I think I want about 70% of it.

QueSeraSera August 27, 2014

these days the real estate market is ridiculous!
i have been going back and forth investing into long island for the last year or so.
not sure if its worth it.
fantastic entry as always. i have to ask if you dont mind. are you a professional swimmer? that is what i am thinking. i think for you to be going all over swimming in these events and places is fascinating. the dress is beautiful and i love the mini veil. also what a nice picture of you and your mom. so sweet. does she live close by?
btw congrats on the raise and bonus!

LeftisRight August 27, 2014

Congrats on the swim! :)

Deleted user August 28, 2014

is rowing class a class on the rowing machines? please say yes.

banker chick August 30, 2014

I keep hearing about The Goldfinch. Would you recommend it or is it too soon to say?

I love living vicariously through you, you always have such interesting things to write about. :)

Andel August 31, 2014

Love your dress! I'm
going to have to check the collection out--if it can be found out here. Lots and lots of luck in finding a property!

aglow September 03, 2014

Hey, all this means is that THE place is still out there, being fabulous as it waits for you to find it.

dancerd September 18, 2014


tranquil September 23, 2014

I love reading all about your life and seeing your photos. You lead such an exciting (but super busy) life. I don't know how you have all the energy to do all that you do but it sounds like things are never boring :)

I remember seeing Cat's diary on OD (and maybe even reading it for a time when OD first came about)..It's sad that some of the longest standing people on OD have disappeared into obscurity. Can't believe it's nearing a year since OD went under or at least began to fall apart.

I watch Million Dollar Listing NY & LA on Bravo and almost every place they sell on there is All Cash Buyer! Of course all of their clients are super rich and can afford to do that.

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