Someone PLEASE Stop the Drama in Tea at the Cabin in the Woods

  • Aug. 15, 2014, 9:47 p.m.
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Every bone in my body is exhausted. Not from physical labor or over doing, but from emotional stress. If it isn't one person, it's another and somehow, don't understand why, but I end up in the middle.

Now it's hubby and daughter - both overly anxious and angry with each other - putting me in a very uncomfortable position. AAUUGGHHH!

Have you ever wondered how someone with empathic sensitivities gets through the day? PLEASE wear my shoes for awhile and let me go barefoot. Is the moon in a weird phase or did someone put something crazy into the water? This has to stop soon. Why can't things just be calm, at least for a few days?

Next week we are back at work for the Fall semester - full-time, day after day... I am actually looking forward to going into my office and closing the door just to be alone. Hubby will be going away for the better part of the week also - so maybe things will settle down and I will get a break from his anxious behaviors. The Dr.s are changing his medications and I do not see this as a positive. At this rate, he will have yet another heart attack. I think his blood sugars are way out of whack and what ever RX that has changed, needs to go back where it was.

Daughter is supposed to start yet another job Monday - at a juice bar. She is one of the most intelligent young women I have ever known and she gets min. wage jobs which she quits shortly after she get the job down pat. She did get her drivers lic. back and is trying to get her car running again. Maybe, just maybe the job at the flower shop as designer will still be open and she can do that again. Fingers crossed.

Mom is doing better. My younger brother and his wife have put their house for sale and are buying a condo in Mom's complex, across the drive so their living rooms will look at each other. Mom and Sister in law are very excited about it. My older sister is also relieved since it will take a lot of pressure of her, which means she will stop pressuring me.

Ahhh.... families.

Son is on tour for the rest of the summer. He comes our way the second week in Sept. We are hosting a house concert for him and he has a couple of other gigs while he's here. At least one of the bunch is doing okay right now...

Well, I need to go. It's Old Home Days in town and it's time for the committee to go set up for tomorrow's festivities. I also have to make a couple baskets up for the door prizes tonight. Yay me... why did I volunteer to do this again? My pie is baked for the competition tomorrow - we'll see how good it is since the band is doing the judging.


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