• July 31, 2014, 7:53 p.m.
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AC/DC, Jethro Tull, Chicago, Queen - I do love the classics....but I have terribly missed my classical music. Vivaldi-Four Seasons arrived today, along with Miles Davis, John Coltrane, and some smooth jazz hits.

The sound of violins wash over me, soothing and filling a spot that has sat fallow for far too long. I listen past my bedtime, knowing that I'll miss the sleep when morning comes, but I take into account the soul-deep rest this music provides. I'm taking deep breaths as the tension seeps out of me. Glorious!!!

And on the the mundane - I'm also waiting for a load of whites to finish so I can throw them in the dryer and go to bed.

Anne-Marie is tiring of the trip she's on as they all begin to grate on each other's nerves. I wish with all that is in me that she can take a breath and find the positive - and not let the negative define the entire trip. I don't know how to teach this....and I seriously don't care to hear the play-by-play that I KNOW s coming. I'm horrid that way.

The house was shown today, will be shown tomorrow, and then again on Saturday. The $20k drop has finally got 'me coming. Can't sell if they don't look. I am halting any future projects, at this point - outside of putting back together what has been taken apart, finish the paint and put my bedroom back together.

I'm tired of this house - to the point I believe it is making me ill. I can't even default as it still leaves me with the second mortgage. Good God, will this insanity never end, I ask you?!

On the work front, the manager who hired me is moving on, and I plan to follow him. He has promised that there would be work that would satisfy my need to use my brain and the pay is higher. Not by much, but definitely enough that it'll make a difference.

So, prayers on the house, prayers for patience, prayers for my daughter and her safe journey home.......and for the people who are due to be here tomorrow. I want them to be the ones.

motherofthree July 31, 2014

Hope the showing tomorrow goes well, and your daughter can end up having a good time on her trip. Have a good Friday and weekend! =^..^=

middle age pearl August 02, 2014


Deleted user November 16, 2014

I see the prayers worked !

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